Ailment Directory, Total Body Wellness
How does Cellular Health reduce the Symptoms of Influenza
Several weeks ago, I visited Melbourne and Bendigo during the westerly winds and pollen season. This triggered in me asthma, hay fever and para influenza with croup symptoms. So I decided to investigate the seriousness and understanding of influenza. The research indicated fifteen ways cellular health can assist to reduce the effects of influenza on the body.
Western Medicine encourages each of us to have a flu shot in the arm for Influenza A, B, C and possibly D. This flu shot does not cover the common flu often known as Para Flu or croup, stomach flu, bacterial diseases and the side effects of asthma, sinus and viral pneumonia.
Just after World War 1 where 20 million were killed and 20 million were wounded the Spanish Flu started in 1918. The H1N1 human virus mutated with a bird flu to effect 500 million people and caused over 50 million deaths. Let us consider this flu season seriously.
What is influenza, its history, spread and medical treatments?
What are the Symptoms of Influenza

Häggström, Mikael (2014). “Medical gallery of Mikael Häggström 2014”. WikiJournal of Medicine 1 (2). DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.008. ISSN 2002-4436. Public Domain
Having a healthy cellular environment within the body reduces the opportunity for the growth of viral and bacterial diseases.
Each Cell is a fully functioning micro environment within the body.
What are fifteen measures for Cellular health?
The fifteen items listed below are some of the measures research has indicated to counteract the effects of influenza on our body. Please use the list below to further your research and consult with your medical team to find out what will work for your body. We all have a unique DNA structure and hence react differently to viral and bacterial invasions of the body.
No | Requirement | Normal Range for Cellular health | Abnormally High | Abnormally Low |
1 | Set your Intentions to create a healthy body. | Consciously apply >51% information that you are aware of. | Homeostasis body balance.
Life |
Diseased, Flu,
Cancer Heading for cellular death. |
2 | Movement | Daily exercise | Fitness, active | Fatigued, inactive |
3 | “O” Oxygen levels | Pa 02>95% | Aerobic metabolism >pH | Anaerobic Metabolism >Lactic Acid. < pH |
4. | “H2O” Water is required for all bodily functions. | 50% for a Female
60% for a Male |
Fully hydrated. Electron Donors. | Dehydrated. Electron Stealers |
5 | “H3O2” Skin of Water is a Liquid Crystal Mesh between bulk water “H2O” and everything it touches in the cell. I.e. Nucleus. | Free flow of nutrients and oxygen into the cell and releases toxins out of cells. | Open mesh allows for the cleansing of the cells. | Closed mesh becomes crystallised reducing the cleansing of cells |
6 | pH (potential hydrogen)
Alkaline to Acid measure |
7.35 to 7.45 pH | Makes new cells at 7.88 pH | Cancer occurs
Chronic pain |
7 | Cellular voltage
electron movement |
-20 to -25 mV millivolts mV | -50 mV
Electron Donors Antioxidants |
+30 mv Stealers
Oxidation and Free radicals |
8 | Glucose Sugar | 80-110 mg/dl | Diabetes | Hypoglycaemia |
9 | Temperature | 37 C 98.6 F | Fever | Hypothyroidism |
10 | Blood Pressure | 120-140/80-90 | Hypertension | Hypotension
(Dizziness) |
11 | Bicarbonate of soda. | 23 and 29 mmol/L
pH 7.44 |
Metabolic Alkalosis pH > 7.45 > 30 mmol/L | Metabolic Acidosis. pH < 7.35. <22 mmol/L |
12 | Unsaturated Fats
Mono and Polyunsaturated Omega 3, 6, 9. Fish, hemp Seed, Olive, Coconut |
<30% of Calories daily intake. Refer lists in Wikipedia | Good Cellular membrane energy | No stored energy in the cellular membrane. |
13 | Saturated and Trans Fats
Cooked Fats. Stops cell membrane functioning. |
<7% of Calories daily intake. A Preservative. | Cholesterol issues, Heart disease | Good Cellular membrane energy |
14 | Zinc and Selenium Refer to your health practitioner | Zinc one tab /day 40 mg.
Selenium 3 drops /day |
Disease resistances. Antioxidants Electron Donors. | Disease enhancers. Inflammation. Electron Stealers |
15 | Vitamins and Minerals Refer to your health practitioner. | Multi vitamins and Cell Food drops. | Disease resistances. Electron Donors | Disease enhances
Electron Stealers |
Source Healing is Voltage Jerry Tennant Chapter 3. 2013 plus many other sources.
This article is going to look further at pH and Cellular Voltage measures within the body.
Alkaline to Acid Chart combined with millivoltage chart.
Cell Voltage measured in mV | Cell pH | Activity |
– 400 Electron Donors | 14 | |
– 50 Electron Donors | 7.88 | Make new cells |
– 35 Electron Donors | 7.61 | Normal for children |
– 25 Electron Donors | 7.44 | Normal for Adults |
– 15 Electron Donors | 7.26 | Tired Sick |
0 Neutral | 7.00 | Change Polarity |
+ 30 Electron Stealers | 6.48 | Cancer cells generate |
+ 400 Electron Stealers | 0 |
Source Healing is Voltage Jerry Tennant Chapter 3. 2013
Cellular Voltage. Electron Donors “–“voltage. Electron Stealers “+” voltage.
Electron Donors. “-“ voltage | Electron Stealers “+” voltage |
Assists functioning of cellular living | Causes damage to functioning of cellular living |
pH 7.1 to 14 | pH 0 – 6.9 |
Alkaline | Acidic |
Antioxidant | Free Radicals and oxidation. |
Negative Pole | Positive Pole |
Constructive | Destructive |
Atomic level Spins Right | Atomic level Spins Left |
Source Healing is Voltage Jerry Tennant Chapter 3. 2013
Common ways Electrons Stealers take Electrons from the human body.
- Acidic water (I.e. tap water in London is recycled 17 times and is acidic. Add bicarbonate of soda to alkaline it). Chlorinated water – chloride is a +1.36 volt. Fluoride is a +2.85 volt.
- Carbonated, caffeinated and alcoholic beverages all dehydrate the cell water levels.
- Cooked and processed foods that contain trans fats, preservatives and high levels of sugar.
- Touching another person can transfers your electrons to bring a balance to the others voltage.
- Moving air depletes voltage I.e. sitting in a wind draft, air conditioners and fans.
Common ways Electrons Donors bring Electrons for the human body.
- Clean air, clean water and fresh live foods full of vitamins and minerals.
- Sitting in the Sun Radiant Energy and absorbing vitamin D.
- Meditation, yoga, movement, plenty of rest and sound sleep.
- Experiment and apply some or all of the fifteen items listed above.
- Enjoy setting new intentions for cellular health and happy living.
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