Ailment Directory, Fibromyalgia, Remedial Massage
How to relieve Fibromyalgia via Trigger Points & Hemp CBD
Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes sufferers to experience symptoms that include widespread tenderness and pain in their body, which is often accompanied by tiredness, fatigue, and issues remembering and concentrating. Currently, fibromyalgia affects around two to five percent of the adult population, and is predominantly seen in women, although it’s possible for men and adolescents to suffer with the condition. In general, fibromyalgia symptoms tend to manifest themselves during middle adulthood.
Symptoms to Look Out For:
Fibromyalgia is unique in that each person experiences their own set of symptoms, some of which others may not. Symptoms can vary from being very mild to very severe, and severity of symptoms can change quickly for one individual. The most commonly reported symptoms of fibromyalgia include extreme fatigue or feeling tired all the time, increased sensitivity to sights, sounds, smells, temperature or pain, issues with memory and focus, and insomnia or other sleep problems. Some people will fibromyalgia may also develop secondary conditions as a result, such as irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, an irritable or overactive bladder, and problems with mental health.
Please refer to the self assessment sheet here
Possible Causes for Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia shows symptoms in eighteen major points in the body. Using an Integrative Approach to the treatment of diseases we look to connect the original emotional trauma or stressor that triggered the first of the eighteen symptoms. If the stressor could not be resolved at the time of the first symptom then further symptoms keep manifesting as the stressor keeps impounding on the live of the body. This may take ten years plus to build up to manifesting the eighteen fibromyalgia symptoms. Some examples of stressors that have been associated with fibromyalgia clients include domestic violence, unresolved and unforgiveness in divorce settlements, prolonged legal cases, disputes over wills, falling out during family disputes and resentment over long term caring situations. Often this requires mental health professionals support and emotional releases. Refer to our Links pages.
What Are the Trigger Points?
If you suffer from fibromyalgia, you’ve probably noticed certain ‘triggers’ which cause a flare of symptoms, such as travelling, weather changes, stress, or being overworked. However, it’s also important to be aware of fibromyalgia ‘trigger points’ on your body. These commonly tend to include around the neck, shoulder, chest, elbow, hips and knees, although it’s important to note that they can be anywhere on the body and everybody is different. For trigger point self-treatment, you’ll need:
- A 4-5” size ball (a golf or tennis ball is ideal)
- A quiet, relatively spacious area to treat yourself
- A small wooden cutting board (or slim, hardback book)
- 15 minutes to an hour, depending on how long you need
You can treat fibromyalgia using trigger points on your own or with the help of a therapist. To start, lay on the floor or bed, depending on which is easiest and most comfortable for you. If you lie on a bed, place the book or cutting board under the ball to keep it in place. Then, find a spot on your body that is hot, hard or tender. Position yourself so that your body is resting on the ball, then breathe through any pain and hold your position for around 2-3 minutes, allowing the area to soften. When you’ve finished with one spot, move onto another. This can be repeated as often as desired.
You may experience some pain or nausea during the self-treatment process. If you’re worried, speak to your doctor or a myofascial therapist who can help.
Hemp CBD and Medicinal Cannabis for the treatment of Fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia is one of the most common conditions of those who take Hemp CBD oil as a natural supplement in USA and Europe. And one of the most commonly asked questions that we hear from people is “What is the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia?”
In Australia, consult you Medicinal Cannabis and Hemp CBD Clinician. In Queensland Dr John Teh. Phone mobile +61 409 795 032. Refer to How to get a prescription.
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