Indigo Children, Spirituality
Is your strong-willed, artistic, empathetic child an Indigo Child?
Parenting is never an easy task and there’s no one formula that fits all. But, when you’re faced with the task of bringing up an especially talented, often precocious child who, on one hand seems far too mature, and on the other hand, strong-willed and defiant of authority, you’re at a loss. If you have an Indigo Child, this feeling of awe and helplessness is typical, and you’re not alone. Who is an Indigo Child? Rather than following the learned logic of the mind, an Indigo Child will instead listen to their heart and tap into their inner knowledge and the universal wisdom….
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VIDEO – The Indigo Evolution Full Length Documentary Indigo children
“The Indigo Evolution” is a documentary that attempts to answer the question – Are these ‘Indigos’ only the fanciful notions of a few individuals embracing new-age, metaphysical beliefs, or is there real evidence that they truly do exist? Most importantly, why are they here and how can we help them achieve their goal of creating a world based upon the laws of compassion and peace? Interviews with some of the most profound children on the planet today combined with discussions with authorities in the fields of medicine, psychology, education, philosophy, and religion will provide information for the viewer to draw…
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Ph: (+61) 0439 88 76 78
Clinic Address: 26a Yallamurra St, The Gap Qld 4061 Australia