Also known as Heightened Sensory Perception, Indigo Children, Starseed Children
Heightened Sensory Perception – Indigo Children Assistance and Research Material.
HSP – Heightened Sensory Perception children and adults found throughout the world are also known as Indigos, Pleiadians, Starseed Children or Light Workers. Heightened Sensory Perception people have existed throughout time, but understood to be growing in proportional numbers at this time of the Earth’s history. It is understood that Heightened Sensory Perception people are here to assist the Earth to “Evolve in Consciousness” for a more peaceful and balanced society. It is described as a growth in DNA functioning and awareness of connectivity.
The description of HSP and Indigo Children.
Children who are on Earth to assist with the Evolution of the Human Race to be more attuned, aware, considerate and become more connected as a community with the Earth and its Environment. P.M.H Atwater in her book “Children of the Fifth World: A guide to the coming Changes in Human Consciousness” ( describes the influx of children who are being born with Heightened Sensory Perception are simply here to assist with the Evolution of Humanity to what Edgar Cayce ( ) described as the Firth Root Race of Humanity.
Body Type
Ectomorphic or Vata body types.
What are they here for
To transition the thinking and behaving and working from their Heart Centre instead of trying to fit into the head space like most of society. The conscious mind thinks in the past and the pain of the past including trapped emotions. It also worries about the Fear of the Future. They operate from a point of view of duality, including judgments as to what is right and wrong, good and bad, supply and demand, self and greed and limited separate resources for accumulation. We can describe this as instead of working from our learnt knowledge of the conscious mind 10%, we open up to the Subconscious mind which is 90% of beingness. They operate from a point of view of love and forgiveness, connectedness, service and cooperation for all. They know about the unlimited resources adequate for all the world’s needs. They feel a connection to each other, the environment and the planet. They have the direction and the answers for the rebalancing of our world by creating from the heart each moment.
What are some of the Positive Profiles aspects of HSP Children
- Intelligent (even if flunking at school and cannot spell)
- Musically orientated with rhythm.
- Artistic, creative and very imaginative
- Ethically and volunteering minded with humanitarian tendencies.
- Problem solving visionaries and are entrepreneurial.
- Intuitive, psychic and healers.
- Past life memories and even of Pleaidian influences
- Multi-sensory multi-channelers who live in a multi-connected universe
- Light body, light energy and are often very loving and inclusive.
- Fusion of sexes, and gender mixing.
What are some of the Minus Profiles aspects of HSP Children
- Do not assimilate nutrition well (Anorexia Nervosa). Fresh, organic and raw is good
- Highly sensitive to snack and processed food, dairy, sugar, gluten and preservatives
- Highly sensitive to electronic fields, metal and fertilizer toxins.
- Highly sensitive to alcohol, caffeine, pharmaceutical and other drugs.
- Highly sensitive to man’s inhumanity, aggression, fear and environmental imbalances.
- Highly sensitive to the authority of deceit and manipulation.
What are HSP children Suffering From
What do many of the HSP children suffer from? Anxiety, stress, depression. CFS, chronic fatigue syndrome. CCF, chronic compassion fatigue. Much of this may come from the bombardment of the NEWS on cruelty, war, man’s inhumanity of fellow man, greed, corruption, environmental issues and imbalances on a global scale. Often these HSP Children are mistakenly labelled as ADHD, Anorexia Nervosa (Nerves), Asperger (nerves), and Autistic (nerves) children. Suffering from fear and vulnerability resulting in the shutting down (cold to frozen) of bodily functions, their inner awareness, strength and hope.
What Services does Robert Vicary and Alive Radiant Therapies provide for HSP children and adults?
“My goal is to assist clients with Heightened Sensory Perception to wake up and BE heart centred.”
Recognising who they really are, really listening to what they have to say and why. Encouraging them not to “fit” into our imbalanced world, but to create in the moment the solutions for an Evolved Consciousness. We help them release the pain of the past including DNA-inherited memories and release the fear of the future that has been built into their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. We mostly try to assist them to become self-reliant and confident to know that they have the “knowing” required from their Subconscious and Superconscious minds that they are still connected with.
We do this through Remedial Massage Reflexology, Emmett technique, myofascial release PSYCH-K and Bryon Katie tools.
- Therapeutic Reflexology to assist the function of the twelve systems of the body particularly aiding in the assimilation and elimination processes. Reflexology also assists in the slowing down or speeding up of the Endocrine Glands and their related Chakras, particularly the Pineal, Pituitary and Adrenals.
- Remedial Massage through the Power of Touch enables a calming of the body.
- Myofascial Release. Emotional stress and anxiety seems to harden the skin around the muscles. It has been scientifically observed that at a cellular level the water surface surrounding both the Mitochondria and DNA has become crystalline instead of liquid crystal due to the “Body Compressing” affect from the emotional stress, anxiety and other toxins. When water surfaces become “crystalline” it inhibits the flow in or assimilation of nutrients and electrical impulses and stops the flow out or elimination of the cellular wastes and hence the cells become toxic. The gentle release of muscle fascia reduces the hardening effects of emotional stress and anxiety and assists in the elimination of cellular toxins.
- Polarisation of the Body Energies. The easiest way to show this is by looking at Google images for both “Torus Energy” and “Light Body” images. It is like plugging a person into the big battery via the therapist acting as the jumper leads. The Mitochondria within each cell is a “Torus Energy” battery which can be run down if a person lives mainly in their Left Brain.
- Emmett Technique. This is like being a Body Electrician who goes around and turns back on the electrical switches for the muscles to assist the body to release.
- Resetting of your intentions. Assistance to reawaken to your purpose in life.
- Education and support to your Family of Light. Refer to the reference material.
- Referrals to other practitioners as required for assistance with fine tuning of your body energy.
Click here for more Specific Reference material on Highly Sensitive People