Skin Care Recipe, Uncategorized
Hemp Seed Shampoo
- 1/4 cup grated Soap (Castile Soap is a common choice)
- 1/4 cup hot water
- 1/2 teaspoon Organic Hemp Seed Oil
- 2 tablespoons Glycerine Few drops of Essential Oil (optional, for fragrance or therapeutic properties)
- Dissolve the soap in the hot water.
- Stir in the Hemp Oil.
- Add the Glycerine and any Essential Oils you might want.
- You can add more if more fragrance, if desired.
- Pour the Shampoo into your bottles and seal the caps tight.
- Shake well and let them sit for 24 hours before use.
- Shake gently before each use to blend the oils through the Shampoo
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