Evolution of Consciousness, Heightened Sensory Perception, Indigo Children, PTSD, Short Story, Spirituality, Uncategorized
The Grand Torus Energy Experiment – Chapter 11
“The Human Energy Consciousness Systems are the keys to our reawakening” Barbara Ann Brennan. ‘Light Emerging: The Journey of Personal Healing.’.” ‘Nearly there, but still so far away.’ Quotation by Gay Upbeat, Highvale, Samford Valley. Chapter Eleven. The Life Path No 22 to Transmute the Mental Body. In the last chapter where I was being assisted in setting my intentions for this life, Tomas manifesting as Robert Michael Wilson I became very curious. My Energy Healer explained that I was going to born on 31 January 1952. From the numerology chart of the Life Purpose summary for this date added…
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Hemp CBD (Cannabidiol) for PTSD & Veterans Care
Benefits from the use of Remedial Massage and reflexology for PTSD & Veterans Care Global research has indicated that Remedial Massage and Reflexology may assist in the calming of the Endocannabinoid (Nervous) System. Further Research at The Realm of Caring https://theroc.us/research-library PTSD has indicated the topical use of Hemp CBD to the feet, hands and stomach during Remedial Massage and Reflexology may further assist in the calming of the Endocannabiniod (Nervous) System.
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