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The Grand Torus Energy Experiment – Chapter 10
“I know I am at my happiest when I receive a dream that shows me, my reflection in a window with the face of a black African and then I start flying.” Croweman, NZ.
Chapter 10 The Second Birth of Robert Michael Wilson
Well after the shock of being still born at my first attempt of starting life as Robert Michael Wilson, I feel it is really worth doing a greater preparation as I now know the privilege of an existence in matter. I started reviewing my last 68 years and realised I did not want to give it up and not arrive as a baby. Much of this life has been good, intermingled with many challenging soul growth opportunities with much karmic clearances. I am really looking forward to going back in time before the point of conception to start my preparations again. I set my intentions for the dream journey and fell asleep early.
Tomas: I knocked on Michael Newton’s energy door down the hallway of my school on Arcturus. “Hello Dr Newton, I am back.”
Michael Newton: “Hello Tomas, we have a big day ahead of us at school. So, let us get started at understanding what a Black, disturbed and fractured Aura looks like that you retained from your convict life in Tasmania, Australia. This is what caused your unwelcoming experience by your future mother Wendy Wilson. She was scared of you. Look up on the screen and see what you looked like after your convict life.”
Tomas: “Yes I can see my energy is very shattered and dark particularly on the left side of the body. It is as if the Sun’s energy and the Pleiadian seven-star energy in the top left of the picture cannot reach my body.”
Michael Newton: “Yes that is correct Tomas. I am going to take you to the light, sound and energy healing hospital before we can review your history and set new intensions for this coming life as Robert Michael Wilson.”
Michael Newton and I walk down the corridor to another wing of the school before introducing me to a tall angel looking energy healing staff member dressed in a long white robe and a flared upwards neck colar.
Tomas: “Thanks Michael I will see you in the recovery bay.”
Energy Healer: “Hello Tomas, it looks like you have been in the wars and hit a few brick walls of challenges during your last sojourn as a convict in the lack of sun stay on planet Earth. The first energy blast furnace is to separate your subconscious mind from your conscious mind. You can do this with mediation. However, during the 1850’s when you were a convict, British thinking was very much stuck on the material world of greed and the measurement of spacetime. For most of your last visit to earth as a convict your conscious mind took the events very seriously and tried to convince your subconscious mind that these events were real. Towards the end of the experience in the freezing cell in Tasmania your subconscious mind was starting to free itself again from the so-called reality of your conscious ego mind. Your conscious mind was so full of duality, including blaming of the solider perpetrators and victim thinking of Tomas. Souls or subconscious minds who do not come home to school for a cleansing after a life often end up as “in between ghosts” haunting buildings and old familiar scenes because of their non forgiveness. They try and seek out an entry into a new baby body case taking with them their anger. Sometimes we call these souls as earth bound. This is what your future mother experienced when you tried entering her baby boy without a proper cleaning between lives. Are you ready to step away from your convict’s selfish material conscious mind orientation of looking away from the light which lead to your experience of being beaten to death in a dark cell of hopelessness?”
Tomas: “It seems like you are suggesting that I can no long blame “God” for the bad events that I experienced as a convict. I need to forgive myself from setting my intentions of material aggrandizement and facing away from the light of the Source Energy. Yes, I am ready to cleanse away this life experience with forgiveness for my separation from the light. When you are ready let’s do this.” I feel gold light flowing down through my head through to my feet. Then all of a sudden, my colourful conscious mind splits off out of my subconscious mind body. My subconscious mind body becomes light blue surrounded by white light. My brain feels calm again and I feel accepted again with a oneness. Yellow lines of connection slowly let go and I start to feel as two beings. My Conscious mind seems to be preserved as a record in a library of events in a history of a period, which is now separate from my longer-term self-soul. It seems as if this experience is now ready for another soul to go back and use again. When they use this experience, I hope they set better intentions to release the karma of being a convict with a great forgiveness quotient. Each body experience is available continuously for new souls to materialise in. Think about this thought for a moment. Time exists at all time rather than as a once only linear event.
Energy Healer: “Next we are going to realign your subconscious mind body chakras or seven colour grids. This will be like receiving a Reiki or Pranic hands off body energy cleansing as is done on your planet earth. The purpose is to realign your material structure to your liquid crystal energy structure.”
Thomas: This time it feels like the blast of gold light is coming in through my back and streaming out through my front in seven colours of the rainbow. I can feel my blue body taking on a fuller body strength again. This is enjoyable and I sense a smile coming all over my face.
Energy Healer: “Now Tomas have a look in the mirror to see your new cleansed self.”
Tomas: To my amazement I am starting to feel like a radiant angel with a glowing heart. My head seems somewhat hollow ready to be filled with new ideas and intentions.
Energy Healer: “Now before you start to set your intentions for this life, we want you to comprehend the picture and reading of your specific akashic soul record of your achievements over the last 180,000 years during this period of incarnations as a Homo sapien on planet
Earth. Thank you for coordinating with your spirit energy artist to provide this picture and reading. We are now going to use this to remind you of your long journey of striving to apply the light on the planet rather than being stuck on the challenges of the last life as a convict. Your 180,000-year DNA record includes everyone’s record up the family line which includes so many mixed up challenging life records. We do not want these to affect you during the current sojourn into materiality.”
Tomas: Several weeks earlier I became very curious about my own soul energy record as opposed to my inherited DNA family ancestry tree. So, I commissioned a painting and a reading from my spirit energy artist to include skills sets and possible karmic lessons my soul or subconscious mind is currently working on. This is the result.
READING: 6 June 2020 on the above painting.
Spirit Energy Artist: “The image is a bit like a coat of arms of the soul; reflecting one’s Higher Aspect or one’s ‘portfolio of attributes’ obtained over many life times. It could also be considered ‘archetypal’ depicting the most developed archetypes within the personality or psyche emanating from the soul energy record.
The overall feeling, firstly is that of opulence and of royalty especially that of an African tribal king. The image speaks to me of the riches of the earth. The figure is dark skinned embodying many of the more ancient races including; African, Egyptian, Middle Eastern, Indian and Pakistani. That’s the feeling and it is not precise.
The form is robed in a decadent heavy purple velvet cape with a shoulder shawl of exotic furs, a diamond studded ruby broach at the throat. Purple representing royalty, personal power and or spiritual authority. It’s the sense that this soul has explored the wealth of this planet on a material level, as well as power, leadership, authority, rulership and royalty including the many lessons that ‘power’ brings with it. I sense that this soul has experienced quite a level of liberation through personal and spiritual autonomy. It seems to have set an intention to awaken through transcendence and return to the Divinity of Source Energy.”
NOTE: I could easily have painted this image with a black beard and the head wrapped in a white turban embossed with a jewel. Similar to that of the Prophet Zoroaster of Persia 8000 BCE. I see the image of the three wise men in the ancient Christian fable of the birth of the Christ. It would be interesting to research the Ascended Masters that appear with this image of ‘Asian’ black beard and turban, as a clue to one’s Ray Master or Teacher on Higher planes. Oh yes. Your Ray Master is Lord Maitreya, the 29th Buddha who is currently incarnating as a Kashmiri Muslim man with a intention to assist with the awakening of the female energy in the Middle East regions and throughout the world.
Spirit Energy Artist: “Of course the image is not depicting just one life or one form, the soul takes on many forms over thousands of incarnations here on earth and on other planetary systems between times. Note also that there are many dark skinned humanoid Inter-Stella beings (i.e. beings from other planets with dark skin). Let us now comment on the jewellery and symbols.
Lapis Lazuli at the Third Eye: This could also represent antiquity and royalty of ancient civilisations, also inner vision through the pineal gland, protection, personal power/spiritual strength.
The Solar Disk on the head: This Solar Disk is the most important symbol of the whole ‘reading’ pertaining to your soul group or linage and indicative of your intergalactic origin. It is also in my view the symbol of the Godhead or Source Energy external to the Universe. It is likely as well that this soul has been involved with many of the so called ‘pagan’ sun cults or worship of the ‘One God’ Solar and Supreme Being. It could also relate to the ancient Egyptian Civilisation of the early Dynastic period or even during the pre-dynastic period attributed to the time of Ra Ta, around 10,500 BCE who subsequently reincarnated as Edgar Cayce. I sense that the solar disk symbolised on your head is of galactic origin not originating just within earths civilisations (as are many of these universal symbols of the picture). The Solar Disk was also used during the Atlantean and Lemurian continental periods.
The Crystal Staff in the left hand: A pure crystal staff to me represents a soul of galactic origin or a soul who has had many lives developing in another solar systems beyond the Arcturian, Pleiadian and our Sun planetary system. Refer to the 28 Constellation systems of Chinese Acupuncture astronomy (covered in late chapters). This is before considering the sojourns on the many galaxies within our Universe and on the many Multi universes. The staff represents a sense of wisdom or spiritual status and skills beyond this world. Crystal being programable and able to direct a powerful energetic current. It is also a symbol of the liquid crystal structures that all mater is built on. The seven coloured liquid crystal staff in a human being runs down the spine as the chakra system.
The Winged Disk at the Heart: The Heart is the portal to the Soul or eternal energy. This disk at the heart, is similar in energy or representation as the solar disk on the head, except that it is representing the individualised soul. It could also represent that of a galactic warrior or missionary of Light, the wings representing Arcturian star ships or travelling in star ships working for the ‘One God’ or ‘Supreme Intelligence’.
Please remember that all symbols are to be understood at a Higher level and not to be so literally taken so to define oneself in this plane. Remember we are not feeding the conscious mind lower personality. This person who is called Robert Wilson in this life is simply the personality, we are talking about the Soul known as Tomas and its Divine nature. All Souls have their place in Divinity.
My sense is that this person has explored the wealth or material riches of the present-day culture. It has also experienced the so called ‘power’ or influence that goes with it and is now discarding the material paradigm in search for the riches in spirituality and Soul Life as such. The soul is moving beyond the fourth-dimension of Spacetime in the material, emotional and lower mental plane to connect again with it’s Subconscious and Superconscious mind of the fifth-dimension. There is also the feeling of longing and wanting to reconnect with one’s star origins and cosmic life even beyond this Universe.
One needs to remember however you cannot connect to Higher Self or God Self or Soul with the lower personality or lower mind, one needs to go via the heart, transforming the ‘shadow’ in the process (often referred to as dark night of the soul). These dark nights of the Soul often free oneself from the Law of Karma of lower emotional and mental states. This will enable this soul to enter into a Law of Grace, experience enlightenment and access Higher Consciousness. One needs to deliberately and willingly surrender ALL to your Higher Will in order to access the riches of the soul.
Spirit energy Artist: “We are through with this reading for the present. Provided lovingly and in service.”
Tomas: What followed was a meditative period of silence to reflect on the reading and painting.
Energy Healer: “Tomas, thank you for organising this reading. I know how much of a shock it was for you when you received this painting and reading of your soul experience. It contained so much light as opposite to the Dark Night of the Soul you experienced during your life as a convict.”
Tomas: “Yes I can understand it far better now that I have received these healing processes to assist me rise above my lower emotional and mental states that seemed so real during the period as a convict. It also reminded me of the insight that at the core of each of our DNA’s records which span the last 180,000 years as a Homo sapien we all started off as black skinned Africans. Over time our skin colours have mutated to brown, yellow, red and white. I understand that we are yet to mutate with a blue skin while we are leaving the green coloured skin almost exclusively for the plant kingdom to use.”
Liquid Crystal Frameworks.
Energy Healer: “Now that you are relatively cleaner and heathier energetically, we would like you to understand that all structures in the universe are based on liquid crystal frameworks. The Universe is a Grand Torus Energy Structural Experiment. Mathematically, As Above in the macro system is reflected below on a micro scale. The Universe and planets reflect this same mathematical structure of a Metatron’s cube. At the core of the Metatron’s cube we depict a two-dimensional Star of David. The star in three-dimensions view is constructed on the five Platonic solids. Your chakra system within your body is also a liquid crystal Metatron’s cube structure on which you lay down your intentions.
The Plutonic Solids consist of five geometric shapes. These are depicted in the following chart
Theaetetus’ Theorem (ca. 417 B.C. – 369 B.C.) There are precisely five regular convex polyhedral or Platonic solid.
A platonic solid is a polyhedron all of whose faces are congruent regular polygons, and where the same number of faces meet at every vertex. A polyhedron is a solid figure bounded by plane polygons or faces.
The Greek philosopher Plato described the solids in detail in his book “Timaeus” and assigned the items to the Platonic conception of the world, hence today they are well-known under the name “Platonic Solids.”
Euler’s polyhedron theorem: F + V = E + 2, where F, V, E are the number of faces, vertices, and edges in the polyhedron.
Energy Healer: “At present it is enough for you to know the mathematical structure of all liquid crystal structures. You will study this in greater detail and understanding in later chapters. At present we are to concentrate on setting your intentions for the live as Robert Michael Wilson. We know that you are going to be born on 31 January 1952. Each birth date has a set of 28 constellation vibrations that you can work with. This is explained in Ancient Chinese acupuncture astrology. There are simpler forms of astrology in the West which use 12 constellations. You will be born under the constellation of the Aquarius vibrations. In Indian astrology you will be born in the darkened period of the Karli Yuga where humanity will be facing away from the light. At the end of the Mayan calendar on the 12 December 2012 humanity will start gradually turning to face the light again.”
Tomas: “Sound like it is going to be a busy transition period.”
Energy Healer: “So on a personal level we are going to use a numerology chart to connect in the seven chakras to show you the possible intentions available through the liquid crystal chakra system in your body. Add up each of the individual numbers in the birth date and come up with one life purpose number. In your instance 3+1+0+1+1+9+5+2 = 22. Normally you would then add 2+2 to = 4 and end up with a number between one and nine. This would represent the fourth chakra as your life purpose. However, there are three exceptions when the total number ends in a 11, 22 or 33. These are master birth path numbers. Refer to the research on numerology and review my example.
Possible Endocrine – Chakra Direction and Skills Indicators with the use of Numerology.
DOB _31/01/1952 _= 22_______ Name ___Robert Michael Wilson___________-
DOB | Chakra | Colour | Spine | Endocrine | Organs Structure | Purpose |
0 | 1 | Red | Coccyx | Perineum Rectum Gonads | Connection to Earth & DNA memories, wants and eliminations | New beginnings connect to Earth. Fight or flight, |
0 | 1 | Red | Coccyx | Perineum Rectum Gonads | Connection to Earth & DNA memories, wants and eliminations | New beginnings connect to Earth. Fight or flight, |
0 | 1 | Red | Coccyx | Perineum Rectum Gonads | Connection to Earth & DNA memories, wants and eliminations | New beginnings connect to Earth. Fight or flight, |
0 | 2 | Orange | T11-12, Sacral & Lumbar | Leydig Oestrogen | Uterus, Bladder, legs, Reproduction, Kidney | Duality, Move’t. Forgiveness, |
0 | 3 | Yellow | T5-T10 | Solar Plex. Adrenals Pancreas | Pancreas, Gall, Liver, Spleen, Stomach Intestines Adrenals | New Fresh Start, Self or Service Transformation |
0 | 5 | Blue | C1-C7 | Thyroid | Neck, arms, throat | Action, speech |
0 | 9 | White | About Body | Ether | Duality to Oneness | Zero Point Energy |
0 | White | Harmony | Eternity | Power | OM Cosmos | |
22 | Life | Path | Transmute the | Mental. |
Master birth Path number 22. Numerology. Source : https://www.numerology.com/
Now try one for yourself. DOB __________________ Name _____________________________-
DOB | Chakra | Colour | Spine | Endocrine | Organs Structure | Purpose |
Tomas: I have enclosed research material for you to understand the setting of intentions for your life’s purpose using the numerology process. Please take some time to review your date of birth indications from the charts below.
Possible explanations for purposes, directions, symbols and Life’s Lessons for each Chakra Centre
Universal and Earth Energy connection to our Chakra
Structure within our Chakras and Aura Layers.
Possible explanations for the purposes, directions, symbols and Life’s Lessons for each Chakra Centre
DOB | Chakra | Colour | Spine | Endocrine | Organs Structure | Purpose |
0 | 1 | Red | Coccyx | Perineum Rectum Gonads | Connection to Earth & DNA memories, wants and eliminations | New beginnings connect to Earth. Fight or flight, |
0 | 2 | Orange | T11-12, Sacral & Lumbar | Leydig Oestrogen | Uterus, Bladder, legs, Reproduction, Kidney | Duality, Move’t. Forgiveness, |
0 | 3 | Yellow | T5-T10 | Solar Plex. Adrenals Pancreas | Pancreas, Gall, Liver, Spleen, Stomach Intestines Adrenals | New Fresh Start, Self or Service Transformation |
0 | 4 | Green | T1-T4 | Thymus Thymosin | Heart, Lungs, Breasts Lymph immunity | Love ↑↓ body Anger, Immune |
0 | 5 | Blue | C1-C7 | Thyroid | Neck, arms, throat | Action, speech |
6 | Indigo | Epithalamus Third Eye | Pineal Melatonin | Day & Night, Love & Fear | Universal Body Connectivity | |
7 | Purple | Hypothalamus Crown | Pituitary | Balance for all other endocrine glands | One Body, Homeostasis | |
0 | 8 | Gold | Above Head Pleiades | Coriolis, Fibonacci | Body Aura Fractal Return to Om | Holographic Atonement |
0 | 9 | White | About Body | Ether | Duality to Oneness | Zero Point Energy |
0 | White | Harmony | Eternity | Power | OM Cosmos |
How does the Dream symbology of John’s Book of Revelations relate to the body?
Centre | Endocrine Glands | Revelations Churches | Revelations Images | Elements | Body Parts | Sound |
1 | Gonads | Ephesus | Bull Calf | Earth | Structure | Lam |
2 | Leydig | Smyrna | Androgynous Man Woman | Water | Fluids | Vam |
3 | Adrenals | Pergamos | Lion Cat Bear | Fire | Stomach | Ram |
4 | Thymus | Thyatira | Eagle bird | Air | lungs | Yam |
5 | Thyroid | Sardis | Holy Spirit | Ether Sound | Speech | Ham |
6 | Pineal | Philadelphia | Son Daughter | Ether Light | Light | OM |
7 | Pituitary | Laodicea | Father Mother | Ether Thought | Control | Aum |
8 9 10 | Eternity Source |
Source Edgar Cayce Readings – Study of the St John’s Book of Revelations.
Further References to Solfeggio Frequencies and the Enneagram study.
No | Charkas | Solfeggio | Solfeggio Direction | Enneagram | Notes |
0 | Eternity | 1111 | White Light OM | OM | |
9 | Universal | 963 | Connect Light & Spirit | Peacemaker mediator | D |
8 | Collective | 852 | Return to Spiritual order | Leader Challenger | C |
7 | Crown | 741 | Awaken Intuition | Enthusiast Epicure | B |
6 | 3rd. Eye | 639 | Relationships | Loyalist Questioner | A |
5 | Throat | 528 | Repair DNA | Thinker Observer | G |
4 | Heart | 417 | Facilitate Change | Individualist Tragic Romantic | F |
3 | Solar Plexus | 396 | Liberation from Guilt & Fear | Achiever Performer | E |
2 | Sacral | 285 | Influence Energy Fields | Helper Caretaker | D |
1 | Base | 174 | Remove pain | Reformer Perfectionist | C |
0 | Earth | 1111 | White Light | B |
Solfeggio Frequencies
- 147 Hz Harmonic Frequency ; Subliminal
2- 174 Hz Harmonic Mirror Frequency ; Foundation
3- 258 Hz Harmonic Frequency ; Concentric Ascension
4- 285 Hz Harmonic Mirror Frequency ; Quantum Cognition
5- 369 Hz Harmonic Mirror Frequency ; Inner Harmony
6- 396 Hz Major Solfeggio Frequency UT ; Liberation from Guilt and Fear
7- 417 Hz Major Solfeggio Frequency RE ; Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
8- 471 Hz Harmonic Mirror Frequency ; Eternal Window
9- 528 Hz Major Solfeggio Frequency MI ; Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
10- 582 Hz Harmonic Mirror Frequency ; Galactic Fire Strand
11- 639 Hz Major Solfeggio Frequency FA ;Connecting/Relationships Integrating Structures
12- 693 Hz Harmonic Mirror Frequency ; Violet Flame
13- 714 Hz Harmonic Mirror Frequency ; Reordering Perceptions
14- 741 Hz Major Solfeggio Frequency SOL ; Awakening Intuition , Third Eye Activation and Pineal Stimulation
15- 825 Hz Harmonic Mirror Frequency ; Silver Violet Fire
16- 852 Hz Major Solfeggio Frequency LA ; Returning to Spiritual Order
17- 936 Hz Harmonic Frequency ; Mastery
18- 963 Hz Harmonic Mirror Frequency ; Numinous Accord - Also view The Miracles of 528 Solfeggio Frequencies and Fibonacci Numbers
The Enneagram
Referencing the liquid crystal Chakras system to the materialised endocrine hormone system.
Energy Healer: “Tomas, now you have the basics on how to set your intentions for a Life Path of a 22 being a master birth path to transmute the mental. You will need to watch out for mental health issues. Set these intentions solidly into your liquid crystal chakra system. I am going to hand you back to Michael Newton to assist you with the understanding of the final decisions of Soul Cosmology, Soul development, family grouping and then male or female selection.”
Tomas: “Thank you Energy Healer for the cleaning process and the knowledge required to set new intentions. Looking forward to meeting with you again.” I exit the hospital wing and return to Michael Newton’s corridor and study.
Michael Newton: “Welcome back Tomas. You are looking younger and fresh again with a light blue to Indigo auric glow indicating an advance etheric subconscious soul body. To start with we are going to connect into the bigger picture, superconscious mind of the structure of the universe of the Grand Torus Energy. At the beginning of the big white bang all energy was created. As the Universe has expanded it has fractured into a Soul Cosmology which looks like the followng chart.”
Soul Cosmology is well explained in the work ‘The Education of the Oversoul Seven’ written by Jane Roberts from the channelled material of Seth Speaks. The book was first published in 1973. This text explains as follows:
1) the personality or individualised Soul part is in the present Spacetime.
2) the oversoul exists in any time frame,
3) the higher self exists in all time within the universe while
4) the source energy exists external to the universe as well as within the universe.
‘The overarching reality of reincarnation (as viewed through the lens of the soul’s cosmology) is that any healing work that we do in the present impacts all of our lives throughout history. In other words, if you heal yourself (and your situation) in the NOW, you heal every aspect of yourself in the past, and the future.’ Jane Roberts.
There is only the Reality of the Now, of Eternal Source Energy Light.
Set your Intentions for this Life.
A way of setting your Intention for this life, Tomas, is simple to turn and face the light of Source energy for at least fifty-one percent of the time in your present moment or minute or hour or day. Hold an intention to experience Divine Light.
Have a listen to the reading of the book on YouTube.
‘The Education of Oversoul Seven’ Chapter One by Jane Roberts
Michael Newton: “Next, I am going to show you a model for Soul Developments. Your soul auric colour of light blue to Indigo purple range indicates an advanced soul requiring a full life sojourn with expectations for service to humanity and assistance with the awakening of the new mutated species of Homo conscious. Refer to the chart.
Tomas: “This indication of auric colour is quit humbling as to the light I could bring to the darkened Kali Yuga period of the Earth’s experiences.”
Michael Newton: “Tomas, consider this sojourn to Earth as a privilege during this reset period of facing away from the light to a facing towards the light again. Next, I would like you to understand how we vary the roles within our soul groups over many incarnations. You will feel comfortable to some members of your family and less so with others. Your mother will be from your soul group. Your mother has agreed to enter a marriage with your father who comes from another soul group. His family group gives you a direct experience and connection to the DNA of your fathers Great, Great Grandfather who was your Solider Captain who beat you as a convict. You will be able to use fractal time to go back and heal this relationship with the Solider Captain through forgiveness using the DNA link. Other karma will surface through your soul energy connections of past lives. You really are in for a full experience of Karma forgiveness and opportunity to enter into the Law of Grace and Forgiveness.”
Tomas: “Michael, I can see now that a lot of work goes into the preparation for the intention to make each life as successful as possible subject the application of free will.”
Michael Newton: “I would love to share with you William Shakespeare’s quotation from As You Like It.
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.
Michael Newton: “Before you go home tonight from this dream, I would like you experience you second birth attempt as Robert Michael Wilson. First observe at the fourth month your soul is introduced to your Mother. See the quickening and joy she is experiencing with the sense of receiving a clean, old friend, from her soul group.”
Tomas: “I am on duty on the 30 January 1952 when I can now feel the cord starting to tighten around my neck. I am trying to stay very still. The point is coming in the afternoon when my future mother remembers her scheduled doctor’s check-up appointment. Because she is happy with me as a soul selection, she chooses to go to the doctor’s appointment instead of stopping to answer a question from the builder of their new house. At the doctors he can feel the stress in the baby body, so asks my mother to immediately make arrangements to attend the Ashgrove private hospital and he will arrange for the inducement of the baby as soon as possible. I remain very calm and still inside my mother.”
Michael Newton: “Congratulations Tomas, you have convinced your mother to take the right steps to ensure your live survival at birth a second time around.”
Tomas: “Yes, now I can feel the forceps around my head as the doctor is easing me through the birth canal. Everything has turned black and I await my outcome.”
Michael Newton: “Congratulations Tomas, you have been born as a boy.”
Tomas: “My first memory is of feeling so cold. Then I experience the sensation of filling my lungs with air. Now I am feeling my brain is starting to function again. After I while and looking down from above in the hospital room, I can now see myself wrapped up in a white blanket and being held in my mother’s arms.”
Michael Newton: “Well done Tomas. I sense it is time for you to end this dream and return home. I look forward to working with you again soon.”
Tomas: “Thank you for all your reawakening education and preparation for this life journey as Robert Michael Wilson. I look forward to working with again soon too.” I sense my body is wakening from my dream state and to face another day on the planet now that I have actually have been born successfully in the second attempt. What a Relief.
Hear is a picture of Tomas relocated into the space suit body of Robert Michael Wilson at four months old with my elder brother Paul looking on.
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