“So long, Carrie Bradshaw—there’s a new role model for go-getting thirty-somethings. Gabrielle Bernstein is doling out inner peace and self-love for the post-modern spiritual set.”
—Elle magazine
Featured in the New York Times Sunday Styles section as “a new role model”, motivational speaker, life coach and author Gabrielle Bernstein is making her mark. Expanding the lexicon for the next generation spiritual seekers, Gabrielle is a #1 bestselling author of the book Add More ~ing to Your Life — A hip guide to happiness. September 2011 Gabrielle launches her second book, Spirit Junkie, A Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles. In 2008 she launched her social networking site HerFuture.com for young women to find mentors. HerFuture’s growing community exceeds 12,000 members.
Gabrielle has been featured in media outlets such as The New York Times Sunday Styles, ElLE, Oprah Radio, Marie Claire, Health, SELF, Women’s Health, Glamour UK, Sunday Times UK, Forbes List: 20 Best Branded Women, Featured on the Cover Self-Made Magazine (top 50 Women in Business), CNN, Fox & Friends, PBS, Wall Street Journal, AdWeek, Sirius Satellite Radio. Gabrielle is a regular contributor for Metro, The Huffington Post, Beliefnet, Yourtango.com, TheDailyLove.com, PositivelyPositive.com, Intent.com, Crazysexylife.com, Feminist.com among others. She can also be seen riding around the East Village on a unicycle.
Event video by: http://repertoireproductions.com/
Heightened Sensory Perception, Indigo Children, Spirituality, Videos
VIDEO: How to be a miracle worker: Gabrielle Bernstein at TEDxFiDiWomen
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