Evolution of Consciousness, Indigo Children, Short Story
The Grand Torus Energy Experiment – Chapter 3
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Albert Einstein.
Chapter Three. Six Dimensions of Space and Time.
Tomas: “Hello Carl Sagan.”
Carl Sagan: “Hello Tomas. I was not expecting you just yet. You are early.”
Tomas: “Yes Carl. Before going to sleep, I set an intention to separate my Subconscious Mind from my conscious mind. So, this time when my body fell asleep, I was already disconnected and ready to find you. Carl, oh, I must apologise for interrupting you in the middle of your lecture in this massive hall. Are these your students?”
Carl Sagan: “Students, may I introduce you to Tomas. Tomas is currently manifesting as a volunteer working on the reset application for planet Earth and the surrounding suns. Planet Earth is one of the eight planets that orbit around one of the eight Pleiadian suns of the constellation Taurus. These Pleiadian suns and planets in turn orbit around another sun called Arcturus in the constellation Bootes.”
Tomas: “Carl, I will meet you outside later when you have finished your lecture.”
Carl Sagan: “Actually Tomas, I have invited you here today as my guest speaker, from Earth, to assist these future volunteers understand some of the reset developments on your planet. They have already read your first two chapters of A Grand Torus Energy Experiment.”
Tomas: “This looks like I am standing on the stage for an America’s got Talent competition.”
Carl Sagan: “If you would like to play it this way, then ok. We will however change the name to Earth’s got Talent (EGT). Tomas, just as a side, there is another EGT called Evolutionary Game Theory which is worth your while looking up some day in your Wikipedia.”
Carl Sagan: “Welcome to EGT. Could you please tell me your name, your age and where have you come from?”
Tomas: “Hello, my name is Tomas. I am 68 years of age, that is in Earth years. I come from a town called Brisbane, Queensland in Australia on planet Earth.”
Carl Sagan: “Thank you Tomas. So, you are a long way from home then, out there on Earth! 68 years of age sounds a bit old for the normal competitors on EGT. Are you nervous?
Tomas: “She’ll be right mate. Which means, I will wing it in Australian. Ok, Carl, yes, I am nervous. I have never stood up in front of so many people if I can describe these fine energy light beings as people.”
Carl Sagan: “I guess you are not here to sing another song like Nattali Rize “One People” or Joel Adams “Please Don’t Go” or other Indigo, highly sensitive people from the Pleiadian star system who now dwell in Australia, on Earth. So, Tomas, what is it you are going to do for us tonight?
Tomas: “Carl you sound just like Simon Cowell of AGT. Carl I have to say you have been my hero since 1980, when you, your third wife Ann Druyan and Steven Soter produced the TV series, “Cosmos, A Personal Voyage.” So tonight, Carl, I am going to talk about the seven dimensions of Space and Time.” Carl Sagan you were the first scientist who made sense to me. It was as if you could grasp the bigger picture of the planet, the universe and Source external to the universe. You seemed to understand the whole journey from Source through the universe and back home to Source. Time seemed to have been shrunk and compressed for you. Starting with a big white bang 13.7 billion years ago and going forward to disappearing in a big black hole in say 5 billion more years did not phase your brain. Quite frankly, I was very upset that on 20 December 1996 at aged 62 you up and left the planet. It was at that time of your death, I set three new intentions.
- If it is to Be, then it is up to Me.
- I am created Me, and
- I am sent Me with love and divine light.
Carl Sagan: “I take it, this will be your own composition.”
Tomas: “Yes Carl.” Slow down Tomas. Stop being so nervous. Breath Tomas.
Carl Sagan: “Well then, Tomas, let us see what you have got. Good luck.”
Tomas: “Professor Carl Sagan, fellow students, distinguished guests and decidedly beautiful angelic looking beings. It is an honour, standing here with you in Carl Sagan’s auditorium.
On planet Earth, our modern western scientists have become stuck in a level of consciousness where they are reviewing the universe from the point of view of matter described as fourth-dimension Spacetime.
As you are all aware in this audience, the universe’s energy manifests as only 5% matter, approximately, at any given time.
I will cover the Western scientist fourth-dimension level of consciousness of 5% matter within the universe. Then I will cover the Eastern scientist fifth-dimension level of consciousness of 95% energy within the universe.
I will also cover the sixth-dimension level of consciousness of Source Energy or Eternity, external to the universe. I will also include, just as a note the seventh-dimension of consciousness to include multiple universes.
To do this I will be using space mathematics and space time in the explanations.”
Tomas: “Carl, because this chapter is the summary of this short story of “A Grand Torus Energy Experiment” I am including a summary chart at the beginning. Dear audience, this chapter has taken me an Earth life time of reading, research and experience to understand. So please don’t give up on the first read. Read other chapters and then come back to this chapter. The rest of the chapters are the detailed stories of my experiences of how I have come up with this summary chart. Enjoy the process and do not take it too seriously.
Chart: One to Seven Space-time dimensions. Time has been added to Space mathematics
Space – Maths
Dimensions |
Physical description | Points of connection | Adding one unit of Time | Space-time Dimensions | Ayurveda /
Acupuncture Dimensions |
0 | Dot. External Source energy | Point of Big White Bang. A. | +1 | 1 | Earth |
1 | Line | AB | +1 | 2 | Fire |
2 | Square | ABCD | +1 | 3 | Air |
3 | Cube | ABCD EFGH | +1 | 4 | Water |
5% Matter | Western world | ||||
4 | Cube within a Cube. Tesseract | ABCD EFGH
+1 | 5 | Ether. Finite Energy |
95% Matter | Eastern World | ||||
5 | Dot. External Source Energy | Point of Big Black hole | +1 | 6 | Eternity Energy |
External | To the universe | ||||
6 | Multiple universes | +1 | 7 | Other dimensions |
This chart shows that Zero to Six Space-mathematics dimensions.
By adding Time, we show the One to Seven Space-time dimensions.
These mathematical structures can be reviewed in the following table below.
Tomas: “So, to start with, I am just going to use space mathematics without using space time.”
- Space-mathematics.
Tomas: “Ok Professor Carl Sagan, I have been doing some homework. Let me share the research I have found to explain in simple terms the zero, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh dimensions of space and time.
The Zero-dimension space is considered to be a dot in mathematics. We can also call this dot as Source Energy or the zero-point energy. This dot is like neutral energy or energy stored in a battery or magnet with the switch turned off where the power is not flowing.
When a battery is turned on the energy flows out through the north or positive charge point around the torus energy field before returning through the south or negative charge point back through to the zero, dot or neutral energy point. Energy must flow from the Dot of Source Energy back to the Dot of Source Energy. This really is the summary of the full story of our energy journey through the Grand Torus Energy Experiment. Source back to Source.
It is similar to the Parable of the Prodigal or Lost Son (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_Prodigal_Son ) as recorded in Luke 15: 11 -32. The Son leaves the Father or Source. He gets lost in a pigsty (matter), eventually wakes up and returns home to the Father or Source Energy. The Western scientists to me, seem to have got stuck in the consciousness level of the pigsty (matter) at the fourth-dimension spacetime. They cannot seem to see the possibility of the Source Energy, zero-point energy or simply the Dot of the zero dimension.
The zero point can be seen in the mathematics of a Fibonacci spiral and sequence expansion of 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 and so on to infinity within the Universe. Luckily for us, who currently live in the universe, we have another mathematical equation that takes us back from infinity to the zero point or dot of Source Energy. This is the fractal calculation or the Mandelbrot Set. The journey starts from a zero to never ending expansion followed by a reversal of a collapsing contraction back to zero. See below.
Let us move on from the zero-dimension for the moment.
First-dimensional space is one line joining two dots. This is one length just like the edge of a ruler or a piece of string. It is like a line of energy within a bar magnet starting from the middle zero-point going up to the top positive charged part and then going down to the negative charge part. This is the beginning of Duality. Top and bottom and positive charge and negative charge.
Second-dimensional space is a little more interesting, where a width is added to a length and we end up with a four-pointed square or rectangle. We have just formed one side of the bar magnet. If we just pulled two widths out from each end of the length points and joined them at one point then this would end up being a triangle. Just imagine if you were a square, a triangle or a circle living in a flat earth society (with no height) then the only directions you could move would be in the direction of a length or a width.
Third-dimensional space adds a height to the length and the width to produce a cube. So, this is our world as an elongated cube. The full bar magnet has now come into existence. This becomes an eight-pointed structure. This is the dimension that the western scientific world describes as dense matter. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. So, when we build something, we transfer energy into cubic matter. When something dies it converts from matter back into energy.
Fourth-dimensional space is when we expand the eight points of a cube to produce a sixteen-pointed structure of a cube within a cube. This is a bit like looking in different directions in a house of mirrors. This structure is also called a Tesseract.
These mathematical structures can be reviewed in the following table below.
Tomas: “Carl, I have come across your excellent film you made explaining the fourth-dimension space-mathematics which now can be found on YouTube. Stop and have a look at this. Can you project this up on the screen of the auditorium? Thanks.
“4th Dimension – Tesseract, 4th Dimension Made Easy – Carl Sagan.”
Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0WjV6MmCyM
Carl, in this video you abruptly stopped explaining the fourth-dimension and I am not sure you made it all that easy to visualise or understand the fourth-dimensional space-maths.”
Carl Sagan: “Yes Tomas, back then thirty and forty years ago on Earth we did not have the necessary graphic tools to visualise a tesseract or cube within a cube in a mathematical structure.
The fifth-dimension and sixth-dimension space really are the zero-point dot mathematics which we covered first up.
Tomas: “To summarise Space mathematics. The western scientists are stuck in the third-dimension space mathematics of a cube. They are unable to measure the fourth-dimension space using three-dimensional cubic instruments. Now I would like to add in one spacetime dimension to each of the equations in space-mathematics.”
B. Space time
Tomas: “Have a look at the following chart on the screen of the auditorium.”
Chart: One to Seven Space-time dimensions. Time has been added to Space mathematics
Space – Maths
Dimension |
Physical description | Points of connection | Adding one unit of Time | Space-time Dimension | Ayurveda /
Acupuncture Dimensions |
0 | Dot. External Source energy | Point of Big White Bang. A. | +1 | 1 | Earth |
1 | Line | AB | +1 | 2 | Fire |
2 | Square | ABCD | +1 | 3 | Air |
3 | Cube | ABCD EFGH | +1 | 4 | Water |
5% Matter | Western world | ||||
4 | Cube within a Cube. Tesseract | ABCD EFGH
+1 | 5 | Ether. Finite Energy |
95% Matter | Eastern World | ||||
5 | Dot. External Source Energy | Point of Big Black hole | +1 | 6 | Eternity Energy |
External | To the universe | ||||
6 | Multi-universes | +1 | 7 | Other dimensions |
This chart shows that Zero to Six Space-mathematics dimensions.
By adding Time, we show the One to Seven Space-time dimensions.
Tomas: “We are now going to look at the Western scientist understanding of the fourth-dimension Spacetime.”
Tomas: “Ok Carl. I have been doing some research. In 1908 Hermann Minkowski, Albert Einstein’s former mathematics professor, joined the three-dimensional space-maths with space time. He coined the concept of “Spacetime” in the fourth-dimension for the western world scientists. Space consists of a length, a width and a height, in time.
In approximately 300 BCE Euclid an Alexandrian (Egypt) and Athens (Greek) mathematician penned the geometry text “Elements”. The core of the text is based on Euclidean Space mathematics of a cube or geometry that we were taught in school. The Euclidean assumption was that movement goes in a straight line on a flat earth. Albert Einstein was the first western scientist to show that in his General Theory of Relativity (GTR) that physical space is non-Euclidean and follows curved movement as is seen in Torus/Toroidal Energy fields holding the planet and entire universe together. The flat earth theory was replaced by a curved earth and curved universe theory.
Carl Sagan: “We understood, Tomas. Go on.”
Tomas: “Carl, no wonder the western world is hanging on so desperately to the 2000 year held Euclidean belief and trust in the flat earth cubic Spacetime of the fourth dimension. Carl, it is my feeling that it is time to move on to a greater understanding and knowledge of reality.
Albert Einstein stated in his General Theory of Relativity (GTR) that the curvature of spacetime is directly related to the energy and momentum of whatever matter and radiation are present. I am going to leave this theory here for the time being.
Let us have a little look at Energy. Energy is a store of power or a Source of Energy or Source Energy that can be converted in form but not created or destroyed. The sun can be considered as the main source of radiant light energy for the survival of all forms of matter on the planet Earth. Let us consider that as matter we are just a piece of converted energy that cannot be created or destroyed. So, the energy in all matter and in our body as matter must have existed approximately 13.7 billion years ago at the commencement of the big white bang. Also, to create a big white bang it must have come from a conversion of energy from a store of power or Source Energy. This thought is contrary to the Stephen Hawking’s quotation below.
Stephen W Hawking cosmologist explained how the western world is so stuck in the fourth-dimension of Space-time with this quotation.”
“The role played by time at the beginning of the universe is, I believe, the final key to removing the need for a Grand Designer, and revealing how the universe created itself. Time itself must come to a stop. You can’t get to a time before the big bang, because there was no time before the big bang. We have finally found something that does not have a cause because there was no time for a cause to exist in. For me this means there is no possibility of a creator because there is no time for a creator to have existed. Since time itself began at the moment of the Big Bang, it was an event that could not have been caused or created by anyone or anything. So, when people ask me if a god created the universe, I tell them the question itself makes no sense. Time didn’t exist before the Big Bang, so there is no time for God to make the universe in. It’s like asking for directions to the edge of the Earth. The Earth is a sphere. It does not have an edge, so looking for it is a futile exercise.”
Source https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/303210-the-role-played-by-time-at-the-beginning-of-the
Stephen Hawking has a lot of credibility amongst western scientists and I feel this could be the cause of the limiting beliefs in our planetary thinking. It was a bit like when Kerry Packer came back from a near death experience and said “There was nothing in the afterlife.” This closed the minds of many people who became sceptics.
So, what is the Universe made up of?
Tomas: “At present everything we see with our naked eye, with all sorts of telescopes and other western world measuring devises, is dense matter which accounts for approximately 5% of the universe. Western science believes that the rest of the universe is assumed to be made up of 74% dark energy and 23% dark matter. It is also made up of the third, second, first and zero dimensions.”
Carl Sagan: “Yes Tomas, let us describe this another way. You need a chicken to lay an egg. Let us assume that a chicken lives in the sixth-dimension. Western scientists confirm that the universe’s energy was created in a point of conception called a big white bang. The universe is like a chicken egg in gestation. When it hatches or cracks out of its shell it will be a chicken living again in the sixth-dimension. To crack out of the shell the universal energy first needs to collapse back through a big black hole.”
Tomas: “Let us have a picture of the big white bang. A third-dimensional view of the conception and expansion of the universe can be seen as below.”
Tomas: “This Accelerated Expansion of the Universe diagram is only a partial snapshot of the top half of a full torus/toroidal magnetic energy system as seen below.”
Carl Sagan: “This is a beautiful depiction of the fragile egg shell in which the universe resides during its gestation period waiting to be hatched back into the sixth-dimension. This is sometimes called the journey home.”
Tomas: “Carl, I would like to summarise the fourth-dimension with the symbol used by the Four Worlds of the Hermetic Qabalah system showing the Fourth-dimension.
Let us explore the expansion from the fourth-dimension to the fifth-dimension.
Tomas: “Several scientists have started to talk about the 95% of the Universe as explained using the Fifth dimension or Tesseract Dimension in maths and Ether finer energy dimension in Indian Ayurvedic, Egyptian Reflexology and Chinese Acupuncture traditions. In the following chapters we will be talking about acupuncture meridian lines, Ayurvedic chakra energy centres and how rubbing the feet in reflexology affects the health of the whole body.
Ayurvedic and Acupuncture symbols show the fifth-dimension element of Ether or Energy that can be found at a cellular level, human body level, earth structure level and at the universe level. More details will be given in later chapters.
Carl Sagan: “When you get home, I would like you to do particular some yoga sessions with your favourite highly sensitive, indigo child, Yoga teacher with long feet, a rubber band flexible body and a heart of gold. Yes, you know who I mean. Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. She has sessions on Movement is Medicine. Energy Practice. Yoga with Adriene. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F47hdaNXwT4. Also try Reunite your Breath. Yoga with Adriene. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy4wvF9Z24A. These are Fifth-dimension connection practices as well as your dreaming and meditation practices. Adriene has a great companion dog named Benji. Having a relationship with a dog or cat is often easier than having a relationship with a fellow human full of duality, who answers back!!!
The Sixth-dimension Eternity Source Energy external to the universe.
Carl Sagan: “This will also require you to explain the concept of Eternity and the external Source energy. Finite and infinity are all measures of a universe that we know will expand and then collapse. Anything that will collapse and die cannot be considered as a measure of Eternity.”
Tomas: “Carl, years ago I intuitively came up with an Integrative medical system for the treatment of disease. This system included Eternity as the Sixth-dimension. I used the Star of David with the six points. The Sixth point of Eternity I included two aspects. One, the inherited DNA record from 180,000 years as Homo sapiens. Two, the soul’s record or akashic record of each individual’s energy journey since the big white bang over the last 13.7 billion years. Refer to the diagram below.”
Further details will be given is a subsequent chapter.
Tomas: “As Albert Einstein’s quotation at the top of the chapter says.
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
The western scientists are having trouble measuring the fifth-dimension using fourth-dimension tools. Similarly, we are having trouble measuring the Sixth-dimension using fourth-dimension tools. So, I am going to use the example of the sun solar flare as a corollary to the connection of the sixth-dimension to the universe.”
Tomas: “I like to describe and liken the big white bang theory to a solar flare that has exploded out of the surface of the sun. Because the surface of the sun is so big compared to the smallness of the flare, the flare would not be able to conceive the spherical nature of the sun. It would just be able to see a red background. I would put it to you that as an observer within the universe of matter, we are unable to conceive the shape of the Source or background Energy from which the big bang exploded.
Here is a little diagram that may explain how we left Source Energy through a big black hole before entering into the universe through a big white hole. Maybe we were pulled through the worm hole by a magnet of energy! The fractal calculations are a great clue which will be explored further.”
Tomas: “Some of special aspects of the sixth-dimension are its sound and its light which we will discuss in further chapters. The sound and colour of “OM” used in meditation is a good example.”
Tomas: “I will conclude this interchange with a brief summary. We have used both mathematics and time to explain the six-dimensions of the universe and the source energy in which we all exist. This talk has opened up many more topics that require further explanations in subsequent chapters.”
Tomas: “Professor Carl Sagan, fellow students, distinguished guests and decidedly beautiful angelic looking beings. I am currently a volunteer working on the reset application for planet Earth and our surrounding suns. It has been my honour to share with you these concepts we are grappling with to bring a greater harmony and coherence within the individual, within the society and the environment. We are reawakening our connection with the fifth-dimension and our transition journey back home to the sixth-dimension and Source Energy.”
The audience are waving their hands sending up this beautiful surrounding energy of gratitude. Oh, my heart feels light it is melting. Thank you. Namaste.
Tomas: “Carl would you mind if I leave now as my head, my heart and gut minds are spinning. I am getting the wakeup call from my conscious body to get ready for the first massage of the day.”
Carl Sagan: “Stay well Tomas, I feel you are making excellent in roads on simplifying these concepts. With love and divine light.”
Tomas: “Carl. I have found these concepts of the dimensions quite challenging to grasp and then describe. I am sure these concepts will become clearer as we go along in the subsequent chapters. You stay well too Carl. I will write all this down when I awaken for the day.”
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