Evolution of Consciousness, Short Story
The Grand Torus Energy Experiment – Chapter 13
‘OM’ Symbol and sound of Brahman or Source Energy. ‘Atman’ Pure Awareness.
Chapter Thirteen. Relationships through Decimal Mathematics.
Warning. Decimal mathematics, naked scenes and orgasms included in this chapter.
Many relationships with family members, partners, children, work bosses, government leaders, spiritual leaders and even with God, have been found difficult to master. There seems to be many experts who agree that relationships are one of the hardest things to master on this planet. So, I am keen to gain a greater insight. As we are all just Energy at our core then I am going to ask for explanations and information of how Energy relates to each other piece of Energy. Firstly, what is our Energy relationships with our Gods, Source or Eternity external to our Universe. Secondly, I want to review our Energy relationships from a finite and infinite point of view within the Universe. Finally, at a smaller scale from a duality point of view of life on the planet including our species Homo Sapiens. So, I fall off to sleep with my intentions set for the evenings learning at school on the Arcturian Star. I am keen to find out whom my Headmistress will use as my teachers for tonight and who is skilled at answering my questions on relationships.
Tomas: Instead of going straight to school on Arcturus, I start off having a dream within a dream state of the fifth dimension. I awake in my dream on the bank of a large slow flowing river. The banks of the river are low lying with city buildings on both sides of the river. Next, I see large and long dark grey barges going past me down the river. Each barge has a large number painted on the wheelhouse at the stern of the boat. These numbers start at one and increase up to thirteen. I look from the bank and see that each barge is full of waste and rubbish in white, grey and black plastic bags. There is no covering over the rubbish cargo. The heavy barges are lying low in the water with the river nearly lapping the gunwales of the deck. A small passage walkway runs both sides of the length of the cargo holds which are built up one metre above the deck level. This reminded me of the many barges I saw going down and up the rivers in China. I watch all thirteen barges pass down the river.
Next, I see rubbish barges coming up the river. This time they are sitting empty and riding high-up well above the river level. They seem to be travelling very fast up the river. This time the barge numbers start at eight and reduce to one. Next, I am on rubbish barge number thirteen and I am sitting on a chair in the wheelhouse watching the captain who is smartly dressed, well trained and is looking like he is happy. I look to the back of the wheelhouse and there is a galley. On the cooking bench is a rotating pineapple sitting upright on a beautiful silver plate. It is as if the pineapple points out its segment patterning in highlighted LED lights. A line of red LED lights turned on ascending at a medium slope around the pineapple. As the pineapple slowly rotates to the left thirteen medium slope lines are highlighted. Next, a set of blue LED lights turned on highlighting a gradual decline of segments with lines running from eight down to one emerge. To my surprise a set of green LED lights in a steep slope start to emerge. As the pineapple slowly rotate again to the left the numbers start at one and end up at twenty-one. See the image blow

My vision returns to the Captain and looking out the front window of the wheelhouse. The city view starts to fade as we chug down the now wide river delta. The rubbish barge slows down as we head for an industrial wharf area. The Captain turns to me and nods that it is time for me to do the deckhand job. The barge is being manoeuvred into an industrial wharf with overhead grab bucket cranes for unloading. I move forward along the left-hand side passageway past the cargo of rubbish. The pungent smell of the rubbish hits my lungs as I make my up to the front of the barge. I am to throw out the mooring lines to secure the barge to the dock.”
At the next moment the dream ends and I find myself at the entrance to school on Arcturus.
Tomas: “Well hello, Headmistress Ziah. Can you shed some light on my dream I have just witnessed about rubbish barges going down the river before I ask my questions about relationships?”
Headmistress: “Tomas, welcome back to school. You certainly have come around to asking the biggest and the most complicated questions in the Universe. You also want to understand how to Master relationships on your warlike planet. But first let us review your dream. People in a dream symbolise your vision and direction. Buildings represent attitudes. Vehicles represent the physical body and a river is generally a spiritual path of life. So, Tomas, how would you interpret your symbols in your dream. What do the symbols mean for you?”
Tomas: “Ok, let us start with the people in the dream. There is a Captain on a rubbish barge looking smart, well trained and happy. He has a trimmed beard and looks like a young white Caucasian Jesus. My “Captain” represents my soul inside of me who is directed and well organised to transport away my rubbish from within. He does not speak with me but just nods for me to go and do my job. The second person in the dream is me, the deck hand in the physical form who has to do the menial service jobs of making secure the body or boat. I see myself as a deck hand in my 25-year-old Tomas body, in the finer physical body I use to travel around the galaxy. I am playing my part and I do not need directions from my Captain within.
The buildings are the city which is very crowded and producing a lot of waste. This represents a very crowded brain full of the establishment. It is lining the spiritual path. Both work in unison. Then there is the wheelhouse. A beautifully airconditioned neat building on the barge organised to direct the carrying away of the rubbish. We also have the Industrial wharf which symbolises the end of a journey of cleaning up the rubbish in my mind.
The vehicles are the boats which are used to carry away the rubbish, pollutants and the pungent smell struck at my core lungs and heart. I am stuck in my physical body by this imbalance within myself. I need to keep cleaning up the rubbish.
The River is the slow flowing spiritual path of life nearing the end of its journey as it enters the river mouth delta. We have used the spiritual path to transport and clean away the rubbish. It is like we nearing the end of a journey by entering the ocean, a symbol of God.
I would like to summarise my dream as the following:
I am cleaning up my karma, rubbish and ‘stuff’ in my life ready to reconnect with my Source at this time. My Captain or Soul within me is well under control and is fully directing me at a physical (fourth-dimension) and Universal (fifth-dimension) level.”
- Let us talk about our relationship with God or Source Energy.
Headmistress: “Yes this is a very good summary of how you are growing through your relationship with yourself on the planet as a deck hand and soul record in the fifth dimension at a Universal level as the Captain of the barge. Source Energy is represented as a river and an ocean. As you clean up your rubbish and pollution at a planetary level you near the mouth of the river and become part of the ocean once again. As the individualised named river enters the ocean as water then it assimilates once again with the One Source. The mouth of the river is often dark and dirty, how it must be like when you go through your Dark Night of the Soul before entering clean water. It is also very much like our experience as we pass through a Big Black Hole to exist the universe and become one with our Eternal relationship with Source again. Your dream has fully explained the complexity of relationships with self, the universe and Eternity. One thing you did not mention are the symbols of 8, 13 and 21. What sequence do these numbers come from?”
Tomas: “Why Headmistress these are part of the Fibonacci sequence of 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10,946, 17,711, 28,657 etc. Why has this sequence appeared in my dream?
Headmistress: “This is the mathematical formular each of us use to create the structure of our universes and story lines within our spheres of influence. It is the maths that explains entry and exit points in the toroidal magnetic field. Let us talk in Earth time as a measure of existence. The universe has been expanding for thirteen point seven billion years from the start of the Big White Bang. You have already started the eight billion year collapsing and return journey back to Eternity through a Big Black Hole. It is at this point where you lose your individualised energy identity and become one with the Ocean of Source Eternity Energy once again. The following chart shows how in a Fibonacci Sequence we start with a zero and expand our universe at a macro level, at the constellation level and a micro level to create the sequences in a pineapple structural segmentation. The starting point or white paper background before the first dot is Zero. Zero creates a one dot and then a second one dot or duality, hence the structure of the Fibonacci sequence below.

Headmistress: “Let your eyes work across the horizonal line with additions. For example, 3 plus 1 = 4 and 5 plus 2 = 7 thus creating the next level of expansion. This is the mathematical structure of how the Big White Bang expanded and similarly a fertilised human ovum.
Headmistress: “What you forget is that you, as an individualised piece of energy are already thirteen point seven billion years old. You are the creators of this Universe that you see and do not see. The Universe has now entered into the collapsing phase of the eight billion years before completely disappearing back into Source Energy and completing a full Toroidal experiment.”
Tomas: “Headmistress, how do you know that this universe has expanded for thirteen billion years, is now collapsing for the next eight billion years before completely disappearing at the end of twenty-one billion year? This does not seem to agree with the current findings of our fourth-dimension Spacetime scientific measures where the Universe is still considered as being in an ever speeding up expansion phase.”
Headmistress: “Well Tomas to put it simply, this Universe that we appear to exist in, has already been created, expanded, collapsed and disappeared back into Source Zero Point energy external to us. You could describe Source as a chook that laid an egg. The egg was our Universe growing in a gestation period before hatching out after twenty-one billion years to become a chook or another version of Source Energy as a chook.”
Tomas: “That is a remarkably interesting way of describing our relationship to God or Source. In this universe we are experiencing a gestation period to become like Source again. It is very much like the caterpillar stage before becoming a butterfly again. No wonder experiencing being a very hungry devouring and selfishly greedy caterpillar seems so foreign to being that of the life of a butterfly.”
Headmistress: “I would like to point out that at the original Source Energy level we were all living and communicating with Source. As you have started living in dense matter of the Universe and even denser matter on the Planet, we have disconnected our communication with Source and appear not to be living in the garden of Eden. Hence the need to reawaken to these connections through dreaming, meditation, mindfulness or yoga. We are still connected and we have never left Source in your heart. I would like to refer you to Genesis, Chapter 3, Verse 8, which shows that we were originally all living in the Garden of Eden and communicating with the Lord God or Source Energy. The Universe is still sitting in the environment of the Garden of Eden. Being nourished in the Garden of Eden. The Universe is sitting in the hand of God contrary to the story that says you were separated and kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Does this give you an understanding of your relationship with Source that just has to be reawakened?”
Tomas: “Yes this explanation makes it very clear that we originally lived with Source and decided to make a creative journey into Toroidal Energy or Apple Shaped Energy. So, this experiment into Torus Energy enables us to become Cocreators with Source within our own Garden of Eden or Universe before we return Home. Simply a journey away from the light followed by a return journey back to the light. So, then what is our Energy relationship at a Universe level?”
- Let us talk about the relationship with the Universe.
Headmistress: “At Source there is ‘No Time’. So, the creation and collapse of the Universe was instantaneous. It is like blowing bubbles at a children’s party. There are multiple Universes like the stream of bubbles that come out of the blow pipe. At the Universe level ‘Time exists all at the same Time’. So, this means we can pop into any time frame of the Universe at any time and multiply times. If you want to go and experience any part of the twenty-one-billion-year experience and rechange any outcome, you can do this. It is just like living in a time loop movie. Groundhog Day or Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame. You keep repeating an event until it leads you back to the reawakening to your relationship with Source and exit from the Universe. I am going to repeat this again in a slightly different way. It will take you as an individualised piece of energy as short or as long a time as it takes for you to reawaken to Home or Source energy. Many parts of the Individualised pieces of energy of this Universe have already returned home and that is why you have now become conscious of the existence of Big Black Holes and the reverse mathematics of a Fractal calculation entering into Zero Point energy. Thank you, Buddha, for experiencing a reverse fractal calculation in what we now call the Mandelbrot Set. You left us the sitting pose to remind us how to return home. It is through a Big Black Hole that you exit the Universe back to Source Energy. Magnetic energy expanded out of a south pole before the energy re-entered into the north pole and disappears back into Zero-point energy at the core of the magnet.”
Tomas: “Ok Headmistress, what are my relationships at a Universe level of creation?”
Headmistress: “At a Source level you are still the One Source Energy. At a Universe level you are still the One Source Energy Creating in a denser Duality Source Energy level. At the Universe level of the Fifth-dimension and above the energy is finer than your planetary Fourth-dimension of Spacetime level of energy denseness. We can describe this in another way with levels of consciousness. The planetary denseness of your brain mind you can only measure the ten percent material world of consciousness. Your ninety percent of your subconscious heart and gut mind still exists and is connected with the lesser dense energy of the fifth-dimension Universe. Your science describes this as Dark Energy and Dark Matter of the fifth-dimension. It is your subconscious mind that continues once your conscious mind and rent a spacesuit body dies.”
Tomas: “Headmistress I have also heard of the Superconscious mind. What is the Superconscious Mind and where does this fit in?”
Headmistress: “Your Superconscious mind is that part of your individualised Universe energy that has still not left your One Source Energy.”
Tomas: “Ok, so my Superconscious mind has never left Eternity and remains my connection with Source Energy external to the Universe and to the planet. My Subconscious mind is knowledge at a Universe Level of Dark Energy and Dark Matter which is sometimes described as the twenty-one-billion-year Akashic record. My Conscious Mind is that of the brain mind and what happens in my space suite rent a body during one lifetime. It appears I seem to forget my memory of my Superconscious and Subconscious mind knowledge, as I experience denser and more denser energy environments on the planet. Why is this so?”
Headmistress: “Well Tomas, let us describe this journey into denseness as a journey away from the Light of Source Energy. As you go further away there is less memory of the light. When you get into the point of complete darkness while looking away from the light you eventually find there is nothing there. As luck will have it your Subconscious and Superconscious minds kick in to remind you of the light in the opposite direction and you simply start by turning around to the light and your journey back home again. At about the thirteen-billion-year mark of the Universe’s history enough of the individualised piece of energy found themselves pretty much completely in the Dark with nothing. So, from the thirteen billion mark or from about seven hundred million years ago you have started turning towards the light. Could I say you have not turned completely a one hundred and eight degrees to face the light yet! For some of you this may take the rest of the eight billion years before the big collapse. The process is a bit like trying to turn around or even stop the forward movement of a Super-sized oil tanker in the ocean. It simply takes a long time to turn around the boat and change directions. At the thirteen-billion-year mark can be described as the stopping of the forward movement of the Super-sized oil taker. Now you are trying to turn it around and return home.”
Tomas: “So, let me get my head around what you have been saying. The Universal relationship is like moving away from the light and into the darkness before returning to the light once again. At the point of conception, we entered into a dark enclosed cocoon of the Universe at the time of the Big White Bang. Then we divide the energy into multiply cells of energy. Your cocreator subconscious mind then starts building groups of individualised energy into matter. This is when we start building a Milky Way, a galaxy, then a constellation to include stars and planets. After a while we start collapsing it all and hatching out of the cocoon. This is so similar to our humanoid development in gestation where after two weeks of multiplying the cell, we then use our subconscious mind to build a gut system, muscles, heart, brain (conscious mind), a nerve system, a skeleton and then a complete body before hatching out of the embryotic sack and the womb as a human. We must have a subconscious memory directing this development and mathematical ‘DNA’ formulae to follow at a Universe level and at a humanoid level. What is the mathematics?’
Headmistress: “To answer your question in this visit to school we are going to use decimal mathematics which covers zero plus the numbers one to nine. There are two mathematics formulae that you need to understand at a Fifth-dimension finer energy level.
5D.1. Vortex Mathematics is used to build an energy skin structure for the universe while it continues to reside in the environment of the Source Energy or Garden of Eden.
5D.2. Solfeggio Frequencies or sound or words build a Merkabah energy structure within the shell at a fifth-dimension level. This holds the structure apart and is the framework for which matter can be built on. This will be further explained in a later chapter.
There are two mathematics at the denser fourth-dimension level.
4D.1. Enneagram Sequences which build ‘personalities or opportunities’ to experience the fullness of light within matter.
4D.2. Fibonacci Sequences which build matter around the Solfeggio frequencies.
Let us start a more detailed review of the decimal mathematics.
At the point of the Big White Bang expansion out of Source Energy, Vortex Mathematics is used to build the skin of the Universe and this is known as a magnet or Toroidal Shaped Universe Energy. It is like the skin of an apple. See the picture below.

5D.1. Vortex Mathematics. So let us talk about a Fifth-dimension Vortex.”
Tomas: “Ok Headmistress. The only thing I seem to know about a vortex is that it is like a whirlpool of water disappearing down a bath hole outlet. Would you mind if I pop down to the Akashic Records Library and get my head around the concept of Vortex Mathematics.”
Headmistress: “Yes what a good idea. Thanks for having an enquiring mind. Ask for Assistant Akashic Records Archival Librarian, Yin. She is very familiar with Vortex Mathematics. You will find the Vortex Mathematics reference material stored at the Akashic Library in Corridor 396. Ask for assistant Yin, I will let her know you are coming. Come back and report on your understandings.”
Tomas: I enter corridor 396 quickly and find the room labelled ‘Vortex Mathematics Akashic Records’. I knock and enter. There is an ancient man sitting behind the desk, in a small brown wood lined foyer. I ask to speak with Assistant Vortex Mathematics Akashic Archival Librarian Yin, in a very hushed voice trying not to disturb this ancient man.
Ancient Man: “Yes Tomas, Yin is waiting for you in the Pleiadian Auditorium on Alcyone. You may also know the Pleiades, as Messier 45 in the North-West corner of the constellation Taurus. Other names for the Pleiades include the Seven Sisters in Europe and Greek mythology, Subaru in Japan, Matariki in New Zealand and the Seven Sisters Dreaming in your country of Australia. For universal consistency we will refer to the individual star names used by Greek mythology. The seven sisters’ names are Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Asterope, Celaeno and Merope. Please enter the Stargate portal on your right to transport you from Arcturus here to Alcyone in the Pleiades. Please shut the door behind you and then immediately open the door again. Enjoy your trip.”
Tomas: “Thank you ancient one.” I enter the Stargate portal room, shut the door and then immediately open it again. To my utter surprise the door opens up on the side wing of a massive auditorium full of about one thousand people. In the middle of the auditorium stage is a woman with eight arms on each side of her body with a beautiful Chinese face.

Kwan Yin: “Welcome Tomas. You will know me as Kwan Yin or Kuan Yim during the time we worked together in China. Many people recognise me at Mount Putuo in China as a Bodhisattva Guanyin or Guanshiyin as the one who perceives the Sounds of the World. Headmistress Ziah advised me you were coming to experience the understanding of Vortex Mathematics. I have assembled eight hundred and eighty students to experience Vortex Mathematics along with you. Come to the centre of the stage with me.”
Tomas: I look and wave to the students who all look pretty humanoid in appearance but yet have a bluish tinge over their black, brown, yellow, red or white skin. They raise their arms and twist their hands in a wave as a response.
“Kwan Yin. Hello to you and your students. I am surprised to see you with sixteen arms. Why so many today?
Kwan Yin: “Tomas, you could say it is all hands-on deck. For you to experience Vortex Mathematics I need to open up your Crown Chakra to expand your consciousness beyond the knowledge restrictions you encountered while inhabiting a fourth-dimensional body on planet Earth in Spacetime. I will be using my sixteen arms to hold you safely while you experience this expanded subconsciousness of the Akashic Records on Vortex Mathematics. You have asked the question on how to experience your energy relationship within the Universe. So, this is what you are going to experience today. This expansive subconsciousness of Vortex Mathematics is also held here in the Pleiadian star system by each of these eight hundred and eighty students. These students are each responsible as councillors for one million volunteering Pleiadian souls or highly sensitive persons (HSP) who have incarnated on your planet to be a ‘Shining Light’ model to assist with the reconnection to your ‘Heart Based’ energy. They assist with the healing of broken hearts and broken dreams. These councillors were used to be called ‘guardian angels’ or ‘the work of the Holy Spirit’. Councillors seems a good description with less religious overtone. Tomas, there are a growing number of incarnated Pleiadians who are able to return home to boost the connection of reawakening energy between the Pleiades and your planet. So, it is an honour to have your direct connection as an anchor and conduit for this reawakening. We are only able to work like this when individuals request our assistance, knowledge and experiences to gain an expanded energy awareness.”
Tomas: “Kwan Yin it is an honour to be with you today. So how do you plan to handle this experience?”
Kwan Yin: “As a reflexology student and practitioner you are aware that the Crown chakra at the top of your head is reflected at your extremities in your big toes, thumbs, eyes and on your earlobes. On your planet you also refer to your female and male external genital organs as the ‘Crown Jewels’. Yes, the reflection of your Crown chakra is also found at the tip of your genitals. The raising of the kundalini during sex, tantric yoga or Qi Gong can be such a liberating reawakening of your Crown Chakra.”
Tomas: “So what part of my Crown Chakra reflex points will you holding today?”
Kwan Yin: “Today, we are going to be standing upright and my main focus will be to hold your ear lobes. My thumb representing my Crown Chakra will hold the top of your lobe or Master Cerebral Point. My index finger will be underneath your lobe and holding your Master Sensorial Point. My first finger will be touching the Master Oscillation Point.
You can find this chart and table. in an article ‘Auricular Acupuncture: A Brief Introduction for Military Providers’. See below for the source.”

Description of Auricular Acupuncture Master Points
Master Points | Description |
Point Zero | Physiologic centre of external auricle and promotes body homeostasis. |
Shen Men | Termed the “spirit gate” and promotes tranquilization and allows the mind to connect to one’s spirit. |
Sympathetic | Provides balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. |
Allergy Point | Promotes the reduction of inflammation associated with allergic reactions, rheumatoid arthritis, and asthma. |
Thalamus Point | Encompasses the thalamus and hypothalamus and is believe to affect signals from the thalamus to cerebral cortex as well as hypothalamus functions that regulate autonomic nerves. |
Tranquilizer Point | Produces a sedation effect. |
Endocrine Point | Promotes endocrine hormones to homeostasis. |
Master Oscillation Point | Balances disorders of right and left cerebral hemispheres. |
Master Sensorial Point | Controls sensory cerebral cortex area of parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and occipital lobe. |
Master Cerebral Point | Represents prefrontal lobe of brain and parts of the cerebral cortices. |
Source: https://academic.oup.com/milmed/article/178/8/867/4259702?searchresult=1
Kwan Yin: “Tomas my other fourteen hands and arms will wrap around your back at each of the seven chakra points and be used to ensure you stand upright for full activation of the kundalini energy through your body. Tomas are you ready?”
Tomas: “Yes, let me experience Vortex Mathematics which is used to build the skin of the Universe.”
A flood light was turned on in the ceiling and sent a warm white light down over both of us. As soon as Kwan Yin touched my ear lobes and wrapped her other arms around my back, the kundalini energy started flowing in a spiral design down through my Pineal Chakra. As the energy started exploding out of the base of my spine it started flowing up around my body and then back in through my Pineal Chakra. Some of the energy started flowing straight down into the floor to ground me. The warm light kept building the spiral flow, stronger each time. The energy circulated around me. It was like strands of different coloured light were being woven around my body. Soon I was in a cocoon of light with Kwan Yin. I felt as if I was having a peak experience of an orgasm but could not move. I just had to stand there at peace.
Kwan Yin: “Tomas, now observe each spiral strand of light as it converts to a sequence of numbers.”
Next, the colours started changing to codes of mathematics. I was looking outwards to the skin of the cocoon until we were both covered in a shell of numbers. One row included 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5 repeating. The next row included 3, 9, 6, 6, 9 3, 3, 9, 6 repeating.

Kwan Yin: “Tomas, can you comprehend the Vortex Mathematics that represents the skin of a Toroidal spiral?”
Tomas: “Yes Kwan Yin. It is very simple. It is a decimal system. Starting with zero and adding one. You then multiplying that number by two making sure you always add back to a number between one and nine. See my table below for Vortex Mathematics.
Multiply by 2 | Must end in No 1 to 9. |
0 | Zero Point Energy |
Add one to zero equals | 1 |
1 multiplied by 2 equals | 2 (Duality is created). |
2 multiplied by 2 equals | 4 |
4 multiplied by 2 equals | 8 |
8 multiplied by 2 equals | 16 = 1 + 6 = 7 |
7 multiplied by 2 equals | 14 = 1 + 4 = 5 |
5 multiplied by 2 equals | 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 |
1 multiplied by 2 equals | 2 |
1 to 2 to 4 to 8 to 7 to 5 to 0 to 1 to 2 | Repeating |
3 to 9 to 6 | |
6 to 9 to 3 | |
3 to 9 to 6 to 6 to 9 to 3 to 3 to 9 | Repeating |
Formula for Vector Maths for Vortex Maths | V=2r²πR |
Please note that the use of Vectors in Decimal Vortex Mathematics will be covered in a later chapter. The concepts of Duodecimal Vortex Mathematics along with the flow of returning energy to Source through the Crown Chakra will be covered in a later Chapter.
Vortex Mathematics builds a skin like this.

Kwan Yin: “Yes Tomas you have been able to simplify Vortex Mathematics to a decimal system. You will discover Duodecimal mathematics in a later visit. As you know skin is very flexible. What I would like to do with you is to practice expanding the skin and then shrinking it.”
Tomas: “Ok let me experience some practical uses of Decimal Vortex Mathematics.”
Kwan Yin: “Ok, first of all, convert the Toroidal shell back from the mathematical numbers to coloured energy strands of filaments. Now check that the spiral filaments are coming out your base chakra and circulating back up around your body and back into the Pineal gland.”
Tomas: “Yes my magnetic apple shaped energy feels in balance again.”
Kwan Yin: “Now concentrate on and increase the inflow of the beam of light above our heads. Expand its strength and flow it in through your Pineal Gland and out through your base chakra. So, for electricity to work it must flow from Source back to Source. So, on your planet Earth the Source of energy comes from your Sun, down through your body into the centre of the earth and then back up through your body and back to the Sun. On Pleiades we capture Source energy from the middle of our Galaxy down through our bodies around the centre of Alcyone and then back up through our bodies to the burning Sun at the centre of our Galaxy. By the way your Sun and Planet are in the same Galaxy as the Pleiades and Arcturus.”
Tomas: “Yes I can see the spiralling warm golden filament of Radiant energy coming from the centre of our Galaxy, through me, around the deep centre of Alcyone and is now returning to the centre of our little Galaxy. Our Galaxy is just one of many Galaxies with this Universe.”
Kwan Yin: “Now let us both expand our toroidal skin to include our Eight hundred and eight councillors. Have a look around you and at the councillors.”
Tomas: “Oh my goodness we are all naked without any humanoid features. The councillors, You and I have become like empty channels of apple shaped balls of coloured lights with a powerful warm golden beam of light spiralling passing down straight through us.”
Kwan Yin: “These councillors are each responsible for a million Souls on your Earth. So now let us all set an Intention to bring Galaxy Radiant Energy to each of these eight hundred and eighty million Souls on Earth. Simply switch the return of the Galaxy light from the centre of Alcyone, to expand out through the centre of your Sun and then to the centre of your planet Earth. As we direct the flow of Galaxy Radiant energy in through the Sun portal, we need to split the light threw a prism to individualise the rays for each of the Pleiadian souls on the Earth.”
Tomas: “Kwan Yin. Why are we only sending this light to the eight hundred and eighty million Pleiadian souls on Earth?”
Kwan Yin: “Tomas. There are other Councillors on other planets responsible for the other Souls on your planet. These councillors are working on raising the consciousness of ten percent of the souls on Earth. This is because once ten percent of the population on the planet reawakens to the light, they will be a ‘shining light’ for the rest of the population. The planet will then start to become more connected at a heart-to-heart body level, heart to environment and heart to the fifth-dimension level of consciousness. This produces a reduced imaging’s of separation within the mind, the ego, the body and spiritual relationships. If you become more as one with each other then you are less likely to hurt each other with domestic violence during your relationships. Environmental damage and going to war become less likely and become labelled as inappropriate behaviour in an enhanced vibrationally changed world. Homo sapiens will also mutate into a new species.”
Tomas: “Yes we have become clear channels for the Galactic Radiant Energy to pass through with a clear direction set by our intentions. It feels more like a fibre optic flow of light splitting at the bottom end. Why is there less light radiating back through to us of the Galaxy Sun rays than we have sent down to Earth?”
Kwan Yin: “Tomas that is because many of the Pleiadian Souls feel down trodden and not accepted. Their heads are hanging low and shoulders rounded forward after believing the story lines in the fourth-dimension. They have allowed the burdens of the inherited one hundred and eighty thousand years of DNA records to affect them with disease, karma and preprograming during family life and schooling. Many of their relationships have ended in divorce because they could not find other Highly Sensitive Persons to mate with. Despite all these challenges the HSP Pleiadians have managed to produce Eight hundred and eighty million bodies for the new batch of volunteers to incarnate into on your planet.”
Tomas: “How can we raise their consciousness and reconnect to the light?”
Kwan Yin: “Get them to raise their head to the Sun. Read more. View YouTube stories on Pleiadian knowledge. Look for stories of hope instead of facing the dark. They often need to experience ‘A dark night of the Soul’ before turning around to once again head towards the light and start the journey home. This exercise today will further raise the light body quotient by those who are ready to reawaken. They will become Light Body ambassadors.”
There is a good explanation of light quotients at
Source: https://texashealers.com/what_is_a_light_body_and_light_body_quotient_
Tomas: “I will leave this thought of hope with the light on the planet.
‘I am Created me. I am sent me with love and divine light’.
While we leave the souls on Earth build their new boost of light where do we go from here?”
Kwan Yin: “Tomas, next I want to expand out this toroidal shell you have made to the size of the Universe. This will enable you to become completely One in your relationship with the Universe. First, we need to go forward in time about seven billion years where the Universe has substantially collapsed. See how so much of the Universe is being pulled into these Big Black Holes.”
Tomas: “Yes, it is if we are floating near the middle of the toroidal shell. The Universe certainly looks like a donut apple shape. Oops, I feel like I am being spirally dragged headlong down into the centre of the donut while it is shrinking all around me. Now this is like entering into a Dark Night of the Soul, everything is going black. Breath Tomas, Breath Tomas, relax this is going to be alright. Kwan Yin is with me. Next minute I have popped out the other side of the Black Hole. It is as if I am being born back into Source Eternal Energy. I look back and around, I see the Universe is constantly shrinking smaller and smaller to the size of a Pea sitting in the palm of my left hand. I just marvel at all those twenty-one billion years of history or illusions that are collapsing back to light energy. Kwan Yin are you still with me in this bright light, I cannot see you?
Kwan Yin: “Yes Tomas I am with you while you experience Zero Point Energy in the Big Black Hole and Eternity at Source outside the Universe. I still have my sixteen arms and hands around you. I have a pure white energy body just like you and this is why you cannot see me as a body anymore. It is like previously we were a river and now we are part of the Ocean. In addition to the bright light start to feel the Sound of Eternity. The Sound of God is in the distance. Can you hear it coming closer?”
Tomas: “There seems to be an overall sound of A-U-M, is this the same as what we have been told as the Sound of God and written as the symbol OM? The nearest sound on earth that I can match this sound with is that of the mantra sung by ‘Deva Premal: OM Meditation (432 Hz) – 1 hour extended version’.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27uxtB-gmqk
Kwan Yin: “Yes Tomas. Now you are experiencing for yourself the vibrational Sound of Source Energy. You know I have been nicknamed the Sound Queen and this is the reason. I just love my relationship with Source. So, I am wanting you to hold the ‘Om – AUM’ note as we journey back into the Universe. We need to take this memory back with us. Let us first find the hole for the beginning of this Universe. We need to dive down into and go through the Big White Bang as our entry point back twenty-one billion years.”
Next moment we are back in the Universe. “Tomas visualise yourself at the one-hundred-year mark of the history of the Universe and observe your growing Toroidal shell again.”
Tomas: “The shell is still very small but slowly starting to expand. How do we fill the shell with energy structures and matter?”
Kwan Yin: “First we need to build an electrical sound structure with Solfeggio Frequencies before we use Fibonacci sequences to build matter and Enneagram sequences to build personalities in matter. Currently fourth-dimension Science has two names for the matrices that are produced by the Solfeggio Sound frequencies and these are Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Fifth-dimension mathematicians describe these structures as Merkabah’s and Metatron’s cubes made up of Plutonic solids. These were covered in Chapter Ten and will be further discussed in a later chapter. These structures are used to build the Universe of galaxies and often Gaseous Stars. Many of the material planets are held together with a Carbon Sixty shaped energy structure like the webbing on a soccer ball with 60 joining points. A Carbon Sixty shape is also called on your planet as a Buckminsterfullerene.”
Tomas: “Now that we are back in the Universe, I see we now have our old humanoid shape with clothes on. So let us see how to build the coat hangers that we hang matter on.”
5D.2. Solfeggio Frequencies.
Kwan Yin: “Let me show you the Solfeggio Frequencies mathematics. The sequence is made up of the numbers from three triangles within a circle.

Take a moment to review this video on YouTube.
The Miracle of 528 Hz Solfeggio and Fibonacci numbers.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oSePXRbW9o&t=137s
This video only includes a discussion of the six central Solfeggio Frequencies. There are ten Solfeggio Frequencies including the original OM. See the Summary table included after the talk on the Enneagram.”
4D.1. Enneagram Sequences is used to build ‘personalities or opportunities’ to experience the fullness of light within matter.
Kwan Yin: “Let us also now include a chart for building personality around the Solfeggio Frequencies. The Enneagram also uses the Decimal numbers with the use of one divided by seven to develop the sequence 0.142857 repeating and 3, 6, 9 repeating. See the connecting line are different than the connecting triangles of the Solfeggio Frequencies.

Tomas: “Thank you Kwan Yin. I have summarised this information as follows. Instead of the six original frequencies I have expanded this out to include ten frequencies and sounds.
References chart to Solfeggio Frequencies and the Enneagram study. A Ten Point Vortex structure.
No | Charkas | Solfeggio | Solfeggio Direction | Enneagram | Notes |
0 | Eternity | 1111 | White Light OM | Om Eternity | OM |
9 | Universal | 963 | Connect Light & Spirit | Peacemaker mediator | D |
8 | Collective | 852 | Return to Spiritual order | Leader Challenger | C |
7 | Third Eye | 741 | Awaken Intuition | Enthusiast Epicure | B |
6 | Crown | 639 | Connect & Understand Relationships | Loyalist Questioner | A |
5 | Throat | 528 | Repair DNA | Thinker Observer | G |
4 | Heart | 417 | Facilitate Change | Individualist Tragic Romantic | F |
3 | Solar Plexus | 396 | Liberation from Guilt & Fear | Achiever Performer | E |
2 | Sacral | 285 | Influence Energy Fields | Helper Caretaker | D |
1 | Base | 174 | Remove pain | Reformer Perfectionist | C |
0 | Earth | 1111 | White Light OM | OM Eternity | OM |
These structure in the Universe can also be seen in the human body as Indian Chakras and Chinese acupuncture meridian lines as the central energy core of a toroidal structure.”
4D.2. Fibonacci Sequences which build matter around the Solfeggio Frequencies
Kwan Yin: “So, the final mathematics to build matter onto the Solfeggio Frequencies frame work is to us the Fibonacci Sequences, Fₙ=Fₙ-1+Fₙ-2 This expanding sequence is no longer limited to within a circle and numbers zero to nine. This is so we can expand the Universe.

Tomas: “So to summarise I have enclosed an example of Toroidal spheres or Rotational Geometry in our three worlds of Source Energy, the Universe and at a planetary level.”

Kwan Yin: “Tomas, I feel you have had a wonderful experience today so it is time for you to have a review with your Headmistress.”
We return to the centre of the stage and Kwan Yin removes her arms from around me.
Next moment she is sitting on the stage and playing a beautifully sounding instrument again with just two arms.

Tomas: “Kwan Yin and all your Councillors. Thank you for making this experience possible and very memorable. Good bye for now.”
It was not long before I returned by the portal and arrived outside the Headmistress’s door. I knocked and entered.
Headmistress: “Well Tomas, how was that experience with Kwan Yin and her councillors?”
Tomas: “Beautiful. The experience covered my relationship with Source by travelling external to the Universe out through a Big Black Hole and then back in again through a Big White Hole. I experience the sound of Om. Next, I started to understand the shell of the Universe with Vector Mathematics. Then Kwan Yin shared her sound specialisation with the use of Solfeggio Frequencies to build the Universes electrical coat hanger structures that are used to build matter on. Next, I was introduced to the Enneagram sequences to show me how we build individualisation and personality within energy at a Universe level. This is then recorded as the Universes Akashic Record of energy from the time of the Big White Bang to the end of the Experiment, when energy exits through a Big Black Hole. This clearly shows my relationship with the Universe. Kwan Yin then shared with me the Fibonacci sequence on how to build matter onto the existing electrical coat hanger matrices at a fifth-dimension level of the Universe, Galaxies and Stars. We then had an introduction of how we used the Fibonacci sequences at a planetary, body, mineral and cellular level within the fourth-dimension.”
Headmistress: “Sounds like you covered an in deep study of two of your three areas of questioning. Relationships with Source and relationships with the Universe.”
Tomas: “I can now understand the Christian creation stories better if we just replace some of the Words with mathematical terminology. After I became aware of the Toroidal Energy shape, I have marvelled at the symbolic description used by Adam and Eve of eating an Apple or entering into a Grand Torus Energy Experiment when they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden or the Garden of Energy.
In the Book of John, Chapter1 verses 1to 5, if I simply replace ‘Word’ with Sound or Solfeggio Frequencies and replace ‘Light’ with Source Energy. We then may have a similar storyline for the Creation story.
1. In the beginning was the Word (Solfeggio Frequencies), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2. He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things (the Universe) were made; without him nothing was made that has been made (it is all Energy). 4 In him was life (Source Energy), and that life was the light (Source Energy) of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (there is no separation from the light, just the illusion of separation and individualisation).”
Source: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%201&version=NIV
Headmistress: “Yes this is a good interpretation of the flow of creation.”
Tomas: “Thank you, Headmistress for this introduction of the simplified mathematics of the structure of the Universe.”
Headmistress: “Supporting these ideas, I would like you to research the cosmology work of Dr Dick FK Meijer and see how he describes the connection between the fourth-dimension and fifth-dimension through Toroidal mathematics.”
Tomas: “I have found the cosmology work of Dr Dick KF Meijer from the University of Groningen | www.rug.nl | Senior Academy Faculty. Dirk Klaas Fokke Meijer (Dick) was born in 1940 in Soest, The Netherlands. In 1980, he was nominated to full professor in Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacotherapy at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. He is, at present, author/ co-author of 605 scientific publications, including 21 chapters in international journals and textbooks, on the subject of Pharmacokinetics, Drug Targeting, Membrane Transport of Drugs and, more recently, on Science Philosophy and Information Science.
Often at the end of a scientist’s career they allow themselves to publish their cosmology perceptions without the backlash from other scientists in their fields of expertise.
In this Figure 2 chart of Dr Dick Meijer, his explanation covers much of the Toroidal topic in more detail.”

Dr Dick Meijer further explains his Figure 2 of Toroidal Holoflux of Information.
‘A tentative cosmological torus model for describing the re-bounce of the universe in a circular universe concept. This geometric approach models the information Universe at fractal scales. The surface trajectory of information quanta is shown in grey patterns (see also inset left above), including their interactive processing in the inner core of the torus with potential wave coupling/conjugation by superposition (see inset right middle). The nested (self-similar) aspect and 4-D dimension of the torus are indicated via the insets left below. The dynamics of the torus is implicit by an inherent rotation axis and recurrent flow of wave information in a bi-spiral flow pattern. The integral state of the torus depicts a supposed stage of our universe in which all information is collected and gravitationally compressed into a terminal black hole, in which all information is holographically projected on a virtual screen (its event horizon). Information is projected on the black hole horizon and proposed to be passed through a wormhole structure that is inherently connected to a white hole. The latter is instrumental in dispersing the particular information into a next (nested) version of a cyclic universe (Meijer, 2015). Aspect of time in the model is represented by the coloured triangle planes: red plane depicts the present time as a back projection of past and future waves, according to the transactional interpretation of quantum physics by John Cramer, green plane below indicates the past time, and green plane above the future time, (figure modified from Stan Tenen, 2002 as shown in a PPT presentation of Amoroso, on Dirac spherical rotation).’
Headmistress: “Now Tomas, you are starting to expand your consciousness beyond your mainstream Fourth-dimension Spacetime scientists. I would like you to research the word ‘Holoflux’ and see if you find another Science Friction writer who is expanding into these fields of the Fifth-dimension.”
Tomas: “When I typed in ‘Holoflux’ I was taken directly to the HeartMath Institute website and I found a four-hundred-page research article fully referenced to eight hundred and sixty-three textbooks and reference sites. What a convincing article supporting the ideas you have been sharing with me. This is the explanation of the document which I would encourage readers to go and read in full.
‘A Holoflux of Information has been further explained by Shelli Renee Joye in her Ph.D. Dissertation, California Institute of Integral Studies, 2016. This can be downloaded from the HeartMath Institute. Shelli Renée Joye, Ph.D., attended Rice University on a physics scholarship and graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering. After graduation, she worked with John Lilly on interspecies communication and pursued contemplative practice with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. She completed her doctorate in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness at the California Institute of Integral Studies. The author of several books, including Tuning the Mind, she lives in Viola, California.
The Topic is as follows. ‘The Pribram‑Bohm Holoflux Theory of Consciousness: An Integral Interpretation of the Theories of Karl Pribram, David Bohm, and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.’
‘A holoflux theory of consciousness as energy is hypothesized and shown to support both local and non-local properties. This thesis emerges from an integral evaluation of evidence drawn from three sources: (1) the holonomic mind/brain theories of Karl Pribram, (2) the ontological interpretation of quantum theory by David Bohm, and (3) the hyperphysics of consciousness developed by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Applying an integral methodology to superimpose and correlate seemingly disparate concepts from among these sources and others, a composite theory emerges, a “holoflux” theory of consciousness, after the term favoured by Karl Pribram to describe David Bohm’s “holomovement.” This Pribram-Bohm composite holoflux theory is shown to be congruent with established principles of physics, mathematics, and electrical engineering, as well as with what Pierre Teilhard de Chardin termed “hyperphysics.”
Extending the panpsychist paradigm that consciousness is inherent in the structure of the universe, the thesis describes a dynamic energy process bridging the explicate space-time domain with a transcendent flux domain located at the spatial centre, everywhere. This centre is hypothesized to be synonymous with three key concepts: Karl Pribram’s “flux domain,” David Bohm’s “implicate order,” and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s “point Omega.”
Commonly held arguments, both philosophical and technical, dismissive of energy fields as a possible substrate of consciousness, are examined and refuted. Major theories of consciousness developed by Pribram, Bohm, and Teilhard de Chardin are examined in detail, and presented in the context of their life experiences. Extending their theories, the holoflux theory of consciousness views reality as one energy, cycling mathematically, lens-like, in a process of transformation manifesting in three modes: (1) electromagnetic energy in space-time, (2) holoflux energy in a transcendent order, and (3) vibrating isospheres at the boundary gap separating the implicate from the explicate orders.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s more technical concepts (f, centrocomplexity, radial energy, tangential energy, complexity-consciousness, noogenesis, centrology, and Omega) are evaluated in detail, and interpreted within the framework of holoflux theory, to provide new insights into his hyperphysics of centro-complexity.
The plausibility of this holoflux theory is examined through identification of correlations between physiological, electromagnetic, and geophysical measurements. A summary can be expressed in the attached figure.’

- Let us talk about the relationships within the Planet Earth.
Tomas: “Headmistress, I have enclosed the work from Dr Dick Meiji and Dr Shelli Joye as requested. These are greater detailed examples of the simplified mathematics you have covered for understanding our relationship with the Universe. Do you have any further information we should be considering here as well, for our relationship to the Planet Earth within the fourth-dimension of Spacetime?”
Headmistress: “Yes Tomas. Next, I would like you to have a discussion with Jesus, The Christ who channelled ‘A Course in Miracles’ (ACIM) to assist with the understanding of your relationships within the planet Earth. You will find Jesus, The Christ in the same corridor as Siddhartha Gautama, The Buddha along with Master Peter and Master Thomas.”
Tomas: The door to the room had the names Mary and Jesus on the label. I knocked and entered. To my great surprise, it was like walking into a large Penthouse with floor to ceiling windows. On the deck was an infinity pool overlooking an unlimited picture of space and the Universe. Next, I saw a young white Caucasian women and man, ‘Sun’ bathing on deck chairs looking out into space.
Tomas: “Oh hello, sorry to disturb you, I am looking for Jesus. Have you seen him?”
Master Jesus: “Hello Tomas, great to see you in my pad. Let me introduce you to my long-term soul partner Mary Magdalene.”
Tomas: “Hello Mary Magdalene and hello Jesus. I am a bit perplexed by your image.”
Master Jesus: “Do you like how my pad looks so modern and abundant? I do this so that when Westerners from your planet come to visit, they see that I have ‘made it’ in the illusion of their Western material world. This is why I have greeted you like this to show you one of the aspects of the relationship you are already having with the material world. Most white Caucasian Christians are used to seeing the Christ depicted in their churches as a white Caucasian man. Wait just a minute and I am going to change my pad to look like I am back in Jerusalem where we first met outside of the synagogue as Arabian Jews.”
Next minute Jesus, Mary Magdalene and I were standing in an empty square outside the synagogue. We were now in bodies looking like members of one of the twelve Arab Tribes of Israel.
Tomas: “This is exactly the imagine I had in my mind of how we would have looked in twenty AD or CE in Jerusalem. You surprised me with this ‘Shapeshifting’ ability. Do you change body shapes and locations often?”
Master Jesus: “Tomas yes. I have to Shapeshift all the time as there are now Christians in every continent on your planet. Each Christian church mostly now has an image of me looking like one of their countrymen. I always like to greet a person, who has called on me like you are now or in prayer, to look like them. It helps to put them at ease very quickly. In addition to shapeshifting, I also like to connect with a distressed person’s mind through their heart chakra. As you know on your planet there are a lot of dreamed up crisis. I am so often answering people’s prayers. I have to be a fluent speaker in every Christian’s planetary language. By the way thanks for buying my book ‘A Course in Miracles’ way back in 1979.”
Tomas: “Back in 1979, Lionel Fifield of The Relaxation Centre in Brisbane invited Judith Skutch and Bill Whitson from America to come and speak about ‘A Course in Miracles’. It promised to provide the missing teaching of you Jesus, during your incarnation as The Christ. Many of your original teachings were rediscovered at Nag Hammadi in 1945 which included the Gospels of Philip, Thomas, Mary Magdaline and of Truth. I was keen to read your material after reading many of the missing Gospels of the Nag Hammadi. Yes, I bought your three blue books at that meeting in 1979. Fourth Reprint of the first edition. Wow.”
Master Jesus: “You must be an expert by now in creating Miracles?”
Tomas: “Jesus, back in 1979 I was pretty smug in my illusioned left brain mind state that I felt it important not to waste my time in reading your six hundred and thirty pages of the Text or the four hundred and eighty pages of the Workbook. I thought I should just go straight to the Manual for Teachers with just ninety pages. I know you spent ten years dictating ‘A Course in Miracles’ through Helen Schucman. I thought I could just cut to the chase and become the Master that I saw myself as.”
Master Jesus: “Tomas, I laughed so much when you decided to skip the real work of producing Miracles during the synchronistic events that occur while you are undoing your ego. Undoing your left-brain ego comes from reading and practicing the lessons in the Text and the Workbook. I thought I would see how you faired with some events while you wanted to be a master teacher and master healer like me. When I sent you a female person with terminal cancer and I asked you to cure her. You responded with Wow I am not yet ready to be the Master Healer. Next, I sent along a fellow who was wanting to separate from his ‘duality relationship’ with his wife. I asked you to mend their duality relationship and bring them into Atonement with God. You did not seem to have the knowledge to show them they were both a son and daughter of God as one.”
Tomas: “Ok, thanks Jesus. Having to unsuccessfully deal with your two healing requests was when I realised, I could not cure cancer or relationships yet. This was when I started on the Workbook for Students. I tried eight times to start with the Workbook. I managed to apply myself up to lesson thirty -three. “There is another way of looking at the world’. Then came along Lesson Thirty-four which stated ‘I could see peace instead of this.’
Source: https://acim.org/ Judith Skutch Whitson. Chair and Publisher of ACIM
Source: https://facim.org/ Dr Kenneth Wapnick. Educator and Student materials
Source: https://marianne.com/ Marianne Williamson. Author of books and talks.
Source: http://www.garyrenard.com/ Gary Renard. Author of Books and talks
Source: https://openacim.org/ . Read the ACIM on line before buying the book.
This is when I totally lost the plot and stopped applying the workbook lessens. I could not see peace in our world, just fear and unjustness. Luckily, I found and read the book ‘Love is Letting Go of Fear’ by Gerald G Jampolsky. I loved the ‘O’ in LOVE filled with a boat throwing out a lifeline to a person overboard. I just felt I needed a lifeline at this point of being a student of relationships. I felt I needed lots of Miracles.”
Master Jesus: “Tomas I take my hat off to you for your ability to maintain persistence. I noticed you even dragged your sister to a conference in Vancouver in Canada in 1981 to hear Jerry Jampolsky speak on his book and ‘A Course in Miracles’. Also in 1981, you and your sister went along to an Experience Week on Relationships at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland. I remember you both shaking your heads in the train back to London about the revelations you had just experienced over that week and gaining new global friendships.”
Source: https://www.findhorn.org/
Master Jesus: “Lets skip forward to when you were able to start reading my ACIM again.”
Tomas: “Yes, I had a ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ on Wednesday the thirteenth of May 2009 when I had an ‘Out of Body Experience” that I could see myself in my car ready to hit the tree in a suicide event. It was at this point I realised I should have been in the office and that I should get back in the car and stop myself driving. Luckily, I was able to stop myself driving and make a phone call to my Mother who helped me get through that day. Needless to say, I went and saw my GP the next day and totally broken down my ego trip and cried my little heart out. I started searching for my Soul Purpose again. I had been so focused as a Financial Planner on my ‘Self Purpose’ of making more money for myself and my clients that I had forgotten about my ‘Soul Service Purpose’. It was after reading Gary Renard’s book ‘The Disappearance of the Universe’ based around ACIM that I felt I could start reading you’re A Course in Miracles three hundred and sixty-five daily workbook lessons. By the way this took me three years to complete and this letting go of my ego goals. Initially I felt a total failure from an ego point of view. By losing everything in the material illusion I started reawakening to the experience of the calmness of the peace within and the reconnection to the Universal energy all around me.”
Mary Magdalene: “Yes Tomas you started opening up to your Right Brain and your female energy balance again. By the way this took you three years to undo your forty-year left-brain male ego self-orientated dominated accounting thinking. It took you a further two years reconnecting with your right-brain female hearted based highly sensitive service orientated soul. I was so pleased you committed to studying at an age of sixty, a Diploma of Reflexology and then a Diploma of Remedial Massage at the Unity School of Holistic Healing in Nambour Queensland. Weren’t your two female teachers so angelic and patient with your recovery. At the start they were very unsure if you were going to make the transition from ‘Doing’ accountant to ‘Being’ a remedial massage therapist. You surprised us and your soul councillors by becoming the top student in the second year. Congratulations.”
Tomas: “Yes Mary Magdalene, I had become a Human Doing instead of a Human Being. Just why did you choose me to write this Science Friction story. I have dyslexia, I employ a wordsmith to rewrite my newsletters into Google English and I basically have no science or maths training except Debits must always equal credits in bookkeeping?”
Mary Magdaline: “Tomas, there are several reasons. You have substantially undone the hold of your ego on being separate in the material world. You have reawakened your heart portal back into the oneness of the Universe. You have now had several experiences of escaping the Universe back to Eternity of the Source Energy. These experiences have motivated you to come back to share what is real with others and to assist them return to the Sound of Atonement. We could not pick a scientist where this sort of information could damage their beliefs and careers. You would seek to understand and explain the mathematics from a lay person’s point of view. Your writing acts to provide a trigger reawakening and confirmation for the Highly Sensitive Persons who already know this material at a soul level. As a dyslexic you are sparing with your words. You have been recording your dreams since you were twelve so you already have a great confidence in working with, listening to instructions from your councillors and then applying the synchronicities of events in life. You have often been in the right place, at the right time, to say the right thing, to the right person, to build a greater awareness of the journey back to the light. You have acted as our arms and feet and eyes and ears and our voice to make a difference so many times. This is why you are so well qualified to complete this work. Again congratulations. Let me give you a big green tick for go.”
Master Jesus: “Now Tomas, as a dyslexic I know you so often read the last chapter of a book first. Then you decide that if you know and understand the conclusion you do not read the book. If you do not understand the conclusion then sometimes you are tempted to ready the story line to the work up for the conclusion. I know you read both my Workbook for Students and the Manual for Teachers from cover to cover. So, what did you conclude after reading the last Chapter Thirty-one ‘The Final Vision’ in Volume One ‘The Text’?”
Tomas: “Well Master Jesus, after working with you as your scribe during many periods of awakening history over the last Thirteen billion seven hundred million years I was pleased to read your own writings in ACIM. At the time of your death as Jesus I was very upset that you did not make more material progress in vanquishing the Roman soldier invasion in Jerusalem. I had not fully comprehended your mathematically skills on using a Tesseract (a cube within a cube) as a portal for time travel into the Fifth-dimension. It was only in this lifetime that I understood that once a Tesseract in folded out it makes a cross. It was your symbol for us to follow the cross or tesseract to enter into the Universe dimension. So by becoming aware of your knowledge, I was able to invoke Encompassing thinking. This symbol is that there are three hundred and sixty different degrees in a compass and three hundred and sixty different ways to think about each event. I was able to apply a forgiveness process in my attitudes and conclusions to include your bigger picture story line of transmuting the physical to become the light. Your Chapter Thirty-one, the conclusion for the Text, enabled me to understand the following heart logic. It was your last four pages in ACIM Text that really struct home to my inner core.
Master Jesus: “Ok Tomas, tell me what turned your lights back on.”
Tomas: “Ok it was this phase. ‘Choose Once Again, Oh Human (Harmony) Being!’
I was so tired of the ‘stuff’ in my life. I was looking for a Big Miracle to make a change?
So, on page six hundred and twenty of the Text in “A Course in Miracles”, Jesus, you recorded this profound yet simple explanation.
‘I am as God created me. His Son can suffer nothing. And I am His Son.’
I felt it would be just so nice to be suffering ‘nothing and no dis-ease’ from all my ‘stuff’.
What would I do if The Christ appeared before me in all His Mastery, in all His glory, in all His Eternal Harmony and asked me to: –
‘CHOOSE ONCE AGAIN, if you would take your place among the saviours of the world (Harmony and Light Beings), or would (you really wish to) remain in hell (in this material stuff), and hold your brothers there.’
Tomas: “And here you are standing right before me, asking me to understand the Relationship with Energy on the planet.”
Mary Magdalene: “Well Tomas, what is your answer and explanation to us both?”
Tomas: “Yes I am ready and willing to choose once again. This is my explanation of the job description. I have to keep asking myself each moment.
Am I having a relationship with ‘External Duality’ or ‘Internal Harmony’?
Each relationship or experience I am having with myself in a material world can be experienced from a point of view of separateness or from a point of view of oneness.
Separateness is seen from a point of view as everything is external to myself, in duality, in fear, in a space time dimension, in differences of opinions, beliefs, creeds, genetics, social histories, national securities, wealth, rights to oil supply, mind and ego. This really is just stuff or events and story lines we have made up about our unreality of separateness.
Oneness is seen from a point of view as everything is connected to me, in energy, in peace, in love, in abundance, in the matrix, in quantum physics, in the sound of OM and solfeggio frequencies, in white light and seven colours of the chakras, in the harmonics, in geometry of the flower of life, Fibonacci, in fractals and holographics. In reality we are only one living body, universe and eternity.
Choose Once again, requires that I first see and understand that the way I have perceived the Universe or another person is not what has been ‘labelled as in matter’ from the Separateness point of view. Separateness’s are merely events and stories of duality in space and time. I do not try to fix the Universe or another person or this perceived unreality. I just need to step into the original reality each moment. Become at one moment as a Harmonious Human Being with Source.
Merely each moment Choose Once Again – Oneness.
Experience and Choose Once Again each moment Oneness.
Love instead of Fear, Oneness instead of separation.
Feelings from the heart instead of just the thinking from the head or mind or ego.
Become a help for others instead of hindrance to others. Largeness instead of smallness.
Reawaken to the experience that we have never left our Eternal Home, oh Prodigal Son.
Setting New Intensions Exercise for Oneness
Intentionality, is the action of setting a new model for myself. My model should include my Eternal, Energetic, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical body aspects. In reality it is having a new relationship with my core inner self, experiencing my Eternal Harmony and sharing this with others.
The summary of the six bodies and related mathematics include
- Eternal Body. Superconscious Mind. Connection with Source Energy.
- Energetic Body. Subconscious Mind. Vortex Mathematics. The energy skin of a body.
- Spiritual Body. Subconscious Mind. Solfeggio Frequencies Energy coat hanger structure. Have I stopped to experience my own connection with the Eternal Harmony? Can I feel the lightness, see the beauty and hear the sounds of joy and OM?
- Mental Body. Conscious Mind. Soul with environmental direction. It is my mental health that builds the intentions and illusions set for myself.
- Emotional Body. Conscious Mind. Enneagram Sequence. Personality and Individualisation. My reactions to other personalities. Can I visualise and manifest a healthy body? Let go of the past. Plan a future.
- Physical Body. Conscious Mind. Fibonacci Sequences. Can I manifest healthy body? Can I let go of the direction away from the light and set a new direction to return to the light.
Mary Magdalene: “Tomas, I love the practical application of your commitment. Be gentle on yourself in the illusion of the fourth-dimension.”
Master Jesus: “Tomas. Yes, the last four pages were my best part of the book. The message really is quite simply if you can remember to practice the steps each day while you are residing in the Fourth-dimension. Thank you for your understandings and experiences. I love you dearly, you old mate, who has been with Mary and I on this long twenty-one-billion-year journey together. Thanks for promoting my ACIM book.”
Mary Magdalene: “Tomas, before you go, I want to remind you of your dream symbols you experienced on your trip to school today. The Captain on the barge was a white Caucasian Jesus. This is why we used the penthouse image for you when you first arrived at our door. Tomas, it is time to update and modernise your Characters in your illusion. Give them all present-day images and look to the future. It is the next eight billion years in this Universe story that are important, not the last thirteen billion years. We are well on the way to disappearing this Universe and going Home to Source. You have experienced all those symbols in your dream here tonight including Kwan Yin’s beautiful trip external to the Universe and back again. I should ask Kwan Yin to give me one of her ‘roller coaster rides of your life to remember.’ Marvel Movies are updating all the old stories in modern day language so that the Highly Sensitive kids like yourself reawaken to the original creation story understanding and redirect themselves back towards the light of Source energy.”
Tomas: “Mary Magdalene and Jesus. I love you both too. Thanks for the explanation on relationships on the planet and in the fourth-dimension. Let us see each other soon. My physical body is currently stirring and I need to race home before it wakes completely. Please send my thanks to my Headmistress and Kwan Yin. Good-bye to you both for now.”
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