Evolution of Consciousness, Heightened Sensory Perception, Short Story
The Grand Torus Energy Experiment – Chapter 6
“You are my refuge, my Light in the land of the living” Psalm 142: 5.
Chapter 6. Frank, the Heart Mechanic.
In July 2014, Anni (New Era) Methods and I met in Townsville studying the fifth section of the Emmett technique using finger acupuncture and trigger points. As I sat down next to Anni, I felt an overwhelming presence of her powerful star seed energy. After two days of study and before we left for home, I said to Anni that I have felt her powerful star seed energy and that she should discover how to use this for the best service for humanity. Six years later Anni rang me out of the blue. She asked if it would be ok for her to come to my clinic and review my practice administration systems. As a payment, she would like to give me a Peiec (pronounced peak) healing session. While visiting me, and after reviewing the clinic administration systems, Anni commented.
Anni Methods: “Do you remember during your visit to Townsville you said to me “that you felt my powerful star seed energy.” At that time, I had not discovered this for myself. However, since seeing you, I have moved from Townsville to the Sunshine Coast, north of Brisbane. I have studied Peiec Healing – Accelerate your Evolution. I can now understand this powerful star seed energy you were talking about and have started my Tune Up Therapy clinic. This energy is what I would like to share with you.” We made a time for a telemedicine session.
The session started with a Messenger Video call.
Anni Methods: “Hello Tomas. How are you?”
Tomas: I thought for a moment then formulated a physical body response. “My clinic is shut because of the Covid-19 virus. I was tired yesterday. How are you going? “
Anni Methods: “Yes, I have closed my clinic as well. I am still doing telemedicine sessions on the phone using Peiec healing for clients.”
As usual, my conscious ego mind started formulating what I felt the session should be about. This list was concerning my physical body aliments. So, I started telling the therapist what she needed to do for me. Pretty presumptuous of my ego. I had done my Dr. Google research in readiness. You have to laugh at the ego, always wants to be in charge.
Tomas: Speaking from a conscious mind, while being interpreted by my subconscious mind.
“Now Anni, I would like some work done around the bruise on my hip that I got from a knock.” First base chakra centre coloured Red is for new life and applying God on Earth.
“Next, check my kidney to see if there are any kidney stones hanging around.” Second adrenals chakra centre coloured orange for forgiveness.
“I was feeling a little low and tired yesterday. I need a boost of energy.” Third solar plexus chakra centre coloured yellow for the recharging of the battery and to further supply energy to every mitochondrion battery at the cellular level.
“Now can you give my heart and lung section a boost to ease the cough.” Fourth heart chakra coloured green. Clear away broken energy out of my lungs and heart region.
Anni Methods: “Tomas, we may just wait and see what comes through from spirit. Tomas get settled on the couch and let the conscious ego mind come to a stillness and silence. Dwell in your subconscious mind like you do in meditation, dreams or mindfulness.”
I placed the phone on the table beside the couch and lay down. Anni could talk to me and I could talk with her if needs be. I settled myself on the couch lying down very comfortably. Then silence. Anni started projecting Peiec (Peak) healing energy to clear up five layers of the body. First was my core source inner beingness inside my heart. The next clearing started in the seven chakra energy centres down my spine. Then she started clearing and calmed my intellectual ego mind, then the emotional layers of reactions to events in my life and finally loosening the tight physical body matter made up of epithelial skin cells, connective tissue cells, muscle cells and nerve cells.
For a while my conscious mind made sure I understood each of the items on my “To do list” in readiness to go and do as soon as this session was completed. Was this session going to be a waste of time? Would anything happen? I am in charge here, my conscious mind kept telling me. OK, hear those beautiful bird songs calling. My conscious mind started slowing down at last.
Next moment everything was silent and restful. I felt like I was lying on a soft raised alter of light in an outside arbour room. I could see what looked like columns of white light without a ceiling around me. After a while waves of soft pastel colours flowed up my body from the feet to my head. Then came this wave of yellow with a ting of lime green. This hovered over my solar plexus above my belly button in the stomach region. It felt so energising. I could feel my tiredness melting away. I realised how tired I had been. This was such a refreshing experience. My breathing became slow, rhythmical and shallow. I just felt like lying there, keeping my eyes shut and falling asleep.
A voice whispered in my ear.
Frank, the mechanic: “Hello Tomas. I am Frank, the mechanic. I am here to service your heart from a karmic point of view. You have come in for a 110,011km service like what you do for a motor vehicle engine. We are going to take your heart, your engine, out of your body while we do a boring, honing and rebalance. We will be widening and tapering the cylinders. We are looking for any plaque build-up from cholesterol, fats (harmful trans fats and saturated fats, as opposed to monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats), calcium and environmental pollutants. We do not see that there will be any problems in the chambers and arteries because you have had a recent check up by your general practitioner. However, we see there are more issues with the structure of the engine casing, the muscle systems around the chambers which show your genetic DNA records and souls karmic records.
After we have taken out your heart, we are going to unwind the heart muscle. We are looking for scare tissue and energy holes that have originated from broken hearts and broken dreams. Would you mind stepping out of your body and into the workshop with me.”
Tomas: “Hang on just a minute, Frank, the mechanic. I have already stepped out of my conscious body and left this asleep on the couch while I am having a Peiec healing. Now you are asking me to step out of my subconscious mind while I have my heart taken out for a rebore and service. Do I know you Frank, and can I trust you?”
Frank, the mechanic: “Yes Tomas, you know me as Francis of Assisi (1182 to 1226 CE). I walked around with you on your holiday to Perugia, Gubbio, Orvieto and Assisi in Italy. I noticed how you were so unimpressed by the big cathedral, the Papal Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels on the flats below Assisi. It is a monstrosity over the little 9th Century church of Porziuncola (Portiuncula) where I set my intentions for the work of the Franciscan order.”

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portiuncula
Tomas: “Hum, this could be the reason why I felt so at home in Umbria, Italy. Why have you ended up here being a heart mechanic?”
Frank, the mechanic: “Well Tomas, during that time as Francesco, I started learning how to heal broken hearts and broken dreams as a result of congregating with people experiencing the hardships of duality in the material world. I have specialised in karmic heart repairs. Sometimes people visit me here for a karmic heart repair while they are still living on Earth. These people are often having a near death experience or become unconscious while having a heart attack or stroke. But now-a-days I am getting more people like you who come through meditation, dreaming, healing treatments or while they are experiencing a radical karmic forgiveness event. I can only assist with healing of the heart to the extent of the level of forgiveness. In your case, we are looking for broken hearts and broken dreams with residual unforgiveness. We are also looking for inherited unforgiveness from your DNA and soul records. Mostly however, I work with souls when they return from their sojourn on Earth. Most souls spend time here in the “workshop” hospital after death and have an overall heart repair depending on the level of forgiveness they are prepared to make. Otherwise, they experience repeat karmic events in subsequent lifetimes until the lessons are learnt.”
Tomas: “Frank this sounds a great specialty.”
Frank, the mechanic: “Tomas, my life as Francesco was such a failure because of my great swings in duality. I was born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone. I went from wealth and killing in the army to extreme poverty and fasting. I died at 44 of a broken heart. You would say I had a long thin skinny body, with a star seed indigo energy. I did not really fit into society. The Church has covered up my poor little church of Portiuncola with a basilica for marketing purposes and worst of all they have made me a saint out of such a fraudulent life. I knew you, at that time, as Tommaso de Celano (1185 to 1265 CE). Thank you for writing the three hagiographies (biography of a saint) on my life. However, this time I do not want you to produce a marketing tool for the Church of Roma, but to set the record right, as I was no saint. Do you hear me, this new Tomas, you?”
My Failure Number One. Use of a Duality Mind Instead of an Encompassing Mind
Frank, the mechanic: “Tomas, see this compass it is lying on it’s side. Later on I want you to produce a new “Encompassing Tomas Compass” with real direction and meaning.”

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compass
Frank, the mechanic: “I was born into wealth, sex and killing. My duality, self-orientated ego-conscious-mind was pointing to North. I hated my father, Pietro di Bernardone dei Moriconi, because he was greedy and cruel. He left his French wife and my mother in Assisi while he kept going off to sell more silk in Paris at exorbitant profits. He had met her in Paris, married her before taking and dumping her in Assisi. But he kept going back to Paris and more women. He wanted me to do the same. Instead I joined the army and started killing people which was just as bad. So, one day I started stealing from my father to give to the poor. When he found out he excommunicated me from the family. My dual, moral, ego-conscious-mind compass turned South in the opposite direction. I tried to change my dual, self-orientated ego-conscious-mind for service. A total full swing of the pendulum to the other extreme. First of all, my duality-mind pointed North and then to the South. What I did not realise was that both directions of the compass were morally correct. What I also did not realise was that all the other 358 degrees of the compass in between North and South were also morally correct. I could not comprehend Encompassing thinking.
There were three important dualities thinking that my father’s world taught me.
- North facing physical self-gratification over south facing spiritual service-intentions.
- North facing wealth and greed over south facing poverty.
- North facing avoidance of paying taxes and the use of tax havens over south facing paying taxes in Paris and Assisi.”
Frank, the mechanic: “Tomas, I want you to draw an Encompassing Tomas Compass.
The Encompassing Tomas Compass.
The horizonal line represents a path of a “time” longitudes around an earth sphere starting out from the 90-degree South Pole latitude point and ending across the earth back at the 90-degree North Pole latitude point. This is the path of Duality in Spacetime. Most people use the past knowledge to project forward a plan of action into the future. They just keep recreating the world we know and have learnt about. Follow a new direction from your heart intuition and look vertically to the sky.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longitude
The vertical Line goes “West point” looks downwards into the middle of the Earth to the core of darkness and solidness. The “East point” looks upwards into the sky, to the Sun, to Arcturus, to the Milky Way and onto Source energy found in a big black hole external to the Universe. Yoga uses this practice of saluting the Sun each morning. Nicolaus Copernicus taught me this once I had come back to my soul group school after my last sojourn to Earth as Francis of Assisi. I had become so bogged down in duality thinking. Remember in chapter three the quote from Albert Einstein “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness (of matter) that created it.” We need to understand our thinking from the fifth-dimension, from the sky, to escape the limiting thinking of the fourth-dimension earth horizontal line of Spacetime. The East and West vision is the same as the way Sun Radiant Energy flows down from Sun and into the Earth. Life looking East up and Death and decay looking West down into the Earth. Look up to the fifth-dimension Tomas.

Source: https://indiabioscience.org/columns/education/deliberately-introduced-errors-as-a-teaching-technique
Thank you, Tomas for drawing this new compass for me.”
The Encompassing Tomas Compass.
Tomas: “Thank you too, Frank the mechanic for sharing with me Encompassing thinking. Most of the world thinks in duality thinking all the time. Two main political parties, two main car manufacturers, good guys and terrorists, two main shops, wow. What other different thinking did you come up with?”
My Failure Number Two. Institutionalising the Franciscan and Poor Clare’s Orders.
Frank, the mechanic: “Well Tomas, my second failure was to become institutionalised under the Catholic Church of Roma. I was trying to replace acceptance by my father with the acceptance by an even bigger father in the form of a pope of the Church. We had to follow the three vows of Chastity, Obedience and Poverty. To start with I thought these ideals were good. I soon found out that none of them worked.
- Chastity for example. I had enjoyed a lot of gratuitous sex in my youth and rape as a soldier but many of the boys and girls who joined our orders had not had this experience or privilege. This caused many problems.
- Relationships is where the karma is healed, within families, partnerships and work colleagues. I now encourage everyone to step up and clear any unforgiveness and find the ultimate relationship with Source within your own the heart.
- Obedience, this was another matter entirely. I was never obedient and respectful to my father. So, I was never going to be obedient to another father in Rome, who like my father was building a “business” of aggrandizement in the 5% material world of the fourth-dimension. He wanted followers, just like my father wanted me to build his business. During my dreaming, fasting and meditation I started listening to and becoming obedient to the still small voice of my subconscious mind from within. This was when I started understanding the Fifth-dimension and the words of Christ, “As I have loved you from within my heart.” I found I had a great unforgiveness around both wealth and poverty.
- Self-responsibility by following and listening to the still small voice of the self-guidance from within, replaced my obedience to an external party, a father, a mother or a guru.
- Poverty. Christ had asked his disciples to take a tunic, a staff and a pair of saddles and go to preach the Word of God. Poverty was ok for my followers, the Poor Clare’s and myself. However, we were totally dependent on the hard labour, wealth and generosity of the community. Poverty for all in the fourth-dimension was a perverse concept.
- Abundance through service should replace wealth, greed and poverty. We are all connected as one, to the abundant energy of the Source through the fifth-dimension.”
Tomas: “So Frank, are you saying by way of a summary, we need to replace Chastity with Relationships, Obedience with Self-responsibility and Poverty with Abundance?”
Frank, the mechanic: “Yes Tomas, you are going to have to rewrite your original book “The Blessed Life of Francis” from one of a Saint to one of an awakened being. Now for my third failure.”
My Failure Number Three. Franchising my Orders under the Business of the Church of Rome.
We were forced to pay a franchise fee of ten percent of everything we earned through the congregations that attended our activities. After costs, I wanted to provide these funds back to the poorer members of the community who were experiencing hard times in this duality of the fourth-dimension. This ten percent tithe was a compulsory tax by the church of Rome so they could build palaces and in live in luxury while the majority of my congregation lived in abject poverty. They set themselves up as a principality, tax haven and have never paid taxes to the country they reside in. The Vatican Bank is a stagnant store of energy or money. It is used for money laundering, tax avoidance for wealthy “criminals” (duality terminology) and as a symbol of separation from the community and the light of the oneness of each of us. It really is westward thinking at the darkened, dense, energy core of the earth.”
Quantity Theory of Money QTM by Nicolaus Copernicus.
Frank the mechanic: “Did you know my friend Nicolaus Copernicus who stated that the Earth rotated around the Sun or Heliocentric thinking was more famous as an economist. He was more famous for his Quantity Theory of Money QTM which states that the general price level of goods and services is directly proportional to the amount of money in circulation, or money supply or quantitative easing. People who place funds in tax havens need to earn returns tax free by flowing the funds back into the real-economy via the Federal Reserves which are owned by banking cartels. Look at the situation in 2020. The world economies were slowing down and the tax havens were unable to place all there funds back into the real-world economies. They have used the Covid-19 as an opportunity to force governments around the world to issue bonds backed by the Federal Reserve’s tax havens funds to increase availability of funds in the real-economy. This is the Milton Friedman monetary economics policy used by the banks. The other policy is Keynesian economics where you do not flood the market with money but let the market forces redistribute wealth to the best enterprises.”
Tomas: “So Frank, you are saying the world is run as a duality. One economy existing in the taxed environment and the other in a non-taxed environment.”
Frank, the mechanic: “Yes Tomas. As you can see, I never really never left the world of finance and observing how my Father and the Father of the Church in Rome were running their affairs. Let us have a look at some fun things on the monitor as a break before we move on.
Have a look at the US Debt Clock and see QTM at work. As a fun thing see how different economies are run if you have two cows.
Frank, the mechanic: “Tomas you may think we have gone off track a little but it is really important to understand how these duality thoughts broke my heart and caused my death.”
Frank, the mechanic: “When I became friends with the wolf of Gubbio, Tomas, he let me read his mind. This is what his thoughts taught me. This Francesco is a friend of many doves. I am going to befriend Francesco. So, when I am hungry during the middle of the night, I will steal and eat his doves. He won’t even suspect that his best friend the wolf was the thief. I realised I was taking the earnings from the poor and paying the wealthy in Rome by way of the franchise fees. When I realised what I was doing by paying the wealthy, my dream of service had been shattered. I just could not find the balance between the greed of the wealthy and labour of the poor in this fourth-dimension world of duality of extremes. I died of a broken heart not long after this event at the tender age of 44.”
Tomas: “Is this not a little harsh on yourself, Frank? I can concur with the thought, “If I do this for you, then what do I get back in exchange.” We love with strings attached, not like Christ said “Love as I have loved you.” These were sobering thoughts to ponder.”
Frank, the mechanic: “Tomas, do you remember when you were wondering around Florence with the map of all the churches marked on them. You found that fifty percent of the churches were decommissioned. However, I lead you to one dark and dingy church that had a painting of Christ of the Divine Mercy.

Source: https://valtorta.org/
Tomas, we have to allow the energy, the light, “the Love as I have loved you.” to enter us from the fifth-dimension. During the life of Francesco, I was always trying to do this from a physical point of view of the fourth-dimension, except on my death bed when I was singing “You are my refuge, my light in the land of the living” Psalm 142: 5. This is when I got “En-Light-End-Ed.” The power of the energy in the heart dawned on me during my dying breaths as it seeped in from the fifth-dimension. This is when I chose to learn more about becoming a karmic heart surgery specialist.”
Tomas: “What a beautiful experience. My hardened heart is already starting to feel softer. Thank you for sharing this with me.”
Frank, the mechanic: “Tomas, let us get to work. First of all, I would like you to separate or step aside from your subconscious rent a body and stand here next to me and watch how I am going to work on your heart. Even subconscious minds in the fifth-dimension still only exist in a finer energy rent-a-body-like a space suit so we can identify you in your current role as Tomas. We put on different space suits for each different dimension and time. Remember at your core you are Source energy in the materiality or land of the living Universe.”
Tomas: “Ok Frank. That was an easy separation. Now I can see what you are doing. This reminds me of the movie “Inception” with Leonardo DiCaprio where they went deeper into subconscious layers of the mind.”
Frank, the mechanic: “Tomas I am now lifting your heart energy above your body. Next step is to unwind the heart muscle. Do you remember back in your gestation period, during week four, from day 21 to day 28 when you wrapped up your long muscle to create the heart pump organ?”

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_development
Frank, the mechanic: “Tomas. When clients come here to hospital after death, I now use YouTube to assist them understand the development of the heart. So, for a moment just look at this YouTube on the monitor for a fuller explanation.”
I spend time watching the monitor.
Tomas: “Yes Frank I remember that gestation period very well. Lots of choices to be made during that building phase of my heart for my space suit body. So much emotional DNA to consider forgiving.”
Frank, the mechanic: “Healthy and hardened or inflamed cardiac muscle looks like these two different diagram examples.”

Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/myocarditis/symptoms-causes/syc-20352539
Tomas: “Yes I can see this.”
Frank, the mechanic: “See this is the area where there is a lot of long scares, here and here. They are from the broken dreams of work and family relationship issues of your current life. You certainly have had a full life this time around. First, I am going to soften this tight fascial or skin layer around the muscle. Can you please instruct your heart to pump blood to your heart muscles? We are wanting to warm up these areas. With the extra blood supply, the toxins held in the inflamed cells will be released. New nutrients and oxygen will then be able to enter and expand the muscle myocytes at a cellular level. Let us re-join these muscle tares here. Can you feel the warmth already starting to flow and soften these tight muscles? This is called myofascial release at the heart muscle level.”
Tomas: “I can see the muscles starting to respond. Even the energy is coming bright and alive. I can feel this in my heart. I believe I am experiencing a Quantum Entanglement of the particles of my heart muscles. Yes, I am feeling you working on my physical heart in my conscious body mind on the cough. At the same time, I am feeling you working on my heart in my subconscious mind body on the alter table there. Now I am feeling a similar feeling in my heart while standing here next to you. The particles in three locations are communicating simultaneously.”

Source https://www.abouthf.org/education_modules.html
Frank the mechanic: “Tomas, I want to show you this black hole in your energy field on the muscle here. This one comes from your life as Edmund Campion, in England. This black hole was the stab wound of the knife to provide the final relief of death for you after being nearly hanged and then disemboweled while still being alive. Now, Tomas, can you please stroke this muscle with your hand and reconnect these broken energy strands. Reknit the fields with a web of energy. Now spend time forgiving the event and the people involved. They were merely providing you a learning opportunity to experience what it felt like when you carried out similar events on others as your time as a soldier. Forgiveness heals the karmic debt. It reminds you of how far away from the light we have become in the dimension of matter. This is the opportunity to face the East light and start the journey home to the Source light, sound and energy once again. Prodigal Son go home. ET phone home.”

Source: Bench to Bedside: A change of Heart, pt 1. Embryonic Heart Development by Deepak Srivastava.
Tomas spend some time now to watch this YouTube on the research of how the GATA4 gene brings through Karmic records. Western scientists are making great strides at discovering how the history of the universe mutation events are recorded in the DNA.
Deepak Srivastava is doing a lot of work on this DNA history connection.
Tomas: “This aching pain in my chest, that I have experienced from a child is disappearing. Ops I am back in my subconscious body again in the alter of light. Frank I can see you now standing next to me. You look so peaceful.”
Frank, the mechanic: “Tomas our work is done for the present. I have some Truth Words for you to take home. Your healing guide will bring them through for you. Please listen to her words carefully and write them down. Tomas thank you for visiting me today. Stay well.”
Tomas: “Thanks, Frank, the mechanic. See you another time. Stay well.”
Frank, the mechanic: “One last word for you Tomas. Can you work out the meaning of the two clues of the mathematical patterns that I have left on the roof of my beloved Porziuncola church!”
After a few minutes I could hear Anni stirring on the phone.
Anni Methods: “Tomas, we are through for the present time. I have been given some Truth Words which I will text to you. You may need to rest for a little while after what you have just experienced. Stay well, with love and divine light. I am hanging up soon.”
Tomas: “The name of your clinic, Tune Up Therapies is well chosen. Thank you, Anni, good bye.” I felt in a daze, not wanting to move, so I rested for a while to let this all sink in.
Ping. A text has just arrived.
Anni Methods: “You are the light dear one, you shine so brightly, bringing others to the knowing and wisdom that has been shadowed and frowned upon. You are the delight in others. Others seek you to find their path, their journey and to bring happiness and joy to the World. Know that it is ok, it will be alright, it will comfort you to bring other gifts to light and accomplishment. Be free to do what is asked and revered, your light still shines and will for eternity. “
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