Paulette Walker graduated from Phillip Institute of Technology ( now R.M.I.T.) at the end of 1991.
She has been practicing in Ashgrove since 1994. Besides being an excellent adjustor, one of her trademarks is her comprehensive knowledge and application of Sacro-Occipital Technique, a gentle technique that addresses organ and cranial dysfunction as well as spinal misalignment.
Our mission is not only to alleviate pain, but to inspire and educate our clients to become active participants in their own well-being"
Paulette Walker graduated from Phillip Institute of Technology ( now R.M.I.T.) at the end of 1991.
She has been practicing in Ashgrove since 1994. Besides being an excellent adjustor, one of her trademarks is her comprehensive knowledge and application of Sacro-Occipital Technique, a gentle technique that addresses organ and cranial dysfunction as well as spinal misalignment.
Paulette is ably assisted in her duties by Susie Tyfield. Susie graduated from Durban University of Technology at the end of 2006. After owning her own practice in South Africa for four years, she moved to Australia and joined our team in September 2011. Susie has quickly built a loyal following of clients due to her empathic personality, and particular skills of Kinesiotaping and dry needling.
Contact Alive Radiant Therapies
Ph: (+61) 0439 88 76 78
Clinic Address: 26a Yallamurra St, The Gap Qld 4061 Australia