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Head to Heart Integration and Coherence
Relationships are the biggest learning experiences here on Earth.
This Head-to-Heart Integration Service is about experiencing and reconnecting with your beautiful Heart Relationship.
This lack of integration between head and heart results in tight physical bodies. muscular and back pain, and stress filled lives.
To combat and explain this phenomena, I have found the following Iceberg Analogy to be useful. To treat it, I have established what I call my Head to Heart Integration Service.
Life is an Iceberg in the context of Mind Awareness.
Let us use the analogy of an Iceberg as the three levels of Mind awareness.
- A Superconscious Mind we will call the Environment.
- A Subconscious Mind or the Heart and Gut autonomic nervous system which is the 90% of the Iceberg submerged under water and,
- A Conscious Mind or the Head Brain Mind the 10% of the Iceberg above the Water.
The First Mind. Superconscious Mind is the Environment in which we live.
The Superconscious Mind is made up of the four Elements of the Environment. The Earth, the Water, the Air of the Planet and the Sun’s Radiant Energy. It is the Sun’s Radiant (Torus hurricane-shaped) Energy that provides all the warmth for life on the planet. It also is constantly moving the wind, the water and the earth’s crust. Our human body is a micro cosmos made up of these same four elements of the environment.
The Second Mind. Subconscious Mind isthe 90% submerged Heart Mind.
The Subconscious Mind is centred around the Heart and the Gut. This 90% is the autonomic nervous system that controls billions of cellular input both from the internal and external environments.
The heart is the first organ to develop and is connection between the Superconscious Environment Mind and the Brain Mind or Conscious Mind in the head. The Subconscious Mind is always operating in the present moment and is still connected to the bigger environmental picture. This mind flows with the environment like the submerged iceberg flows with the ocean currents.
The Third Mind. Conscious Mind is the 10% Head Brain Mind.
The Conscious Mind is like the 10% exposed part of the iceberg. The Head Brain Mind is the Ego Dualistic Mind. In the Western World we believe this Ego Mind to be in charge. Yet most of the time it is the section of the Iceberg that is being buffeted by wind, rain, sun and other icebergs. This Head Brain Mind really does not even have power to move the rest of the Iceberg in any direction. The Conscious Mind deals in the Dualistic a. Pain of the Past and b. the Fear of the Future. It argueswith “What Is”.
Are you a Walking Head or a Dancing Heart Based person?
A walking head based “ego” person is where your life is based around a fear, lack,limitations and a separation from self, others, and the environment.
A dancing heart based “free/carefree” person is where life is lived around love and forgiveness, abundance and a connection or oneness with others.
See if you can relate to being a Walking Head.
A walking head is someone who cannot feel anything or just constant pain from the base of the skull downwards in the rest of their body. There are two main reasons why the majority of the humans living in the Western World have become walking heads. The first reason is that we have set too many physical goals, to do lists and become aware of a “Limited Resources Consciousness” that has resulted in a “I Win and You Lose” fear and greed based society. The second reason is a result of the “I Win and You Lose” fear intention that we have become separated from the rest of our body. As a walking head we are separated from our heart, the bodies centre for personal, social and global coherence of our service intentions of love and forgiveness.
The HeartMath Institute Research on Head to Heart Integration and Coherence.
The attached YouTube “The Heart’s Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence” is an excellent summary.
What are our Services in this area of Head to Heart Integration?
On a conscious mind level, we work to assist you to release the emotional “Pain of the Past” that has become trapped in the right side arm and leg of the physical body. We also assist you to release the emotional “Fear of the Future” trapped on the left side arm and leg of the physical body.
Remedial massage works through the muscle layers to release the Myofascia (muscle skin) that holds together the body from head to toe. Letting go of the long held pain is like waking up to the situation and letting it go of the event or fear and replacing it with love and forgiveness. The Myofascial Release is like “ironing out the crinkles ” of the muscle skin, while you do the healing by breathing deeply and suppling blood to warm up the location being massaged.
On a subconscious mind level, we work to assist you to “Feel the energy of the Heart” so that you can function from the “Present Time Now”. By massaging your torso from your shoulders to your hips this will assist you to become connected with your heart gut mind, your autonomic nervous systems and functioning of the twelve systems of the body.
Reflexology works through the inner layers of organs and endocrine glands to active your energy centres within the body for balance. On a superconscious mind level, we work to assist you “Experience What Is” and a connection with your environment of earth, water, air and the sun’s radiant energy. A feeling of oneness and connectedness with all.
This is like the picture of an Iceberg.
Self-Responsibility Plan
- A Self-Responsibility plan should always include exercise, diet, meditation and setting new intentions. Some of the Yoga movements are a good example of opening the heart and the hips that generally lack flexibility in the western world body.
- Set three new intentions:
- Set a new Intention of “Service” from the heart of love and forgive. Replace the old ego head intention of “Self” based on the pain and limitations of the past events and fears about the future”
- Extend your head-based dualistic thinking (True North or South, Right or Wrong) to the all encompassing 360 degree view of inclusive heart thinking.
- Change from the head-based past and future thinking to the heart-based now thinking. Will everyone be able to integrate their head to their heart with coherence.
The Heart Math Institute research indicates all people can achieve this reconnection. Their research indicates some people have a natural tendency to have this connection whiles others may have a lot of work to make the reconnection. It has been found that Ectomorphic, Vata body types, or Indigo, Highly Sensory Perception People have a tendency to more connected to their Heart Feelings than to the Ego logic of the Head. These Vata body shaped people are often tall, thin, and visionary. They have a fine empathetic energy about themselves when dealing with others and the environment.
Refer to our resources and services for Highly Sensitive Persons.
Body Types Male Body Types Female
Ectomorphic or Vata
- Shape: Rectangle, Thin and Tall.
- Elements: Air and Ether
Mesomorphic or Pitta
- Shape: Square, Triangle, Hourglass, Inverted Triangle,
- Elements – Fire and Water
Endomorphic or Kapha
- Shape: Round or Diamond.
- Elements- Earth and Water.
This song and graphics shows a little of what it is like to experience the Head to heart Integration and what is like when we are not integrated. Joel Adams is a 19 Year-Old, Blue-Eyed Soul and Pop Singer/Songwriter from Australia. Joel wrote and composed “Please Don’t Go.” Song of the heart.
Resources Material. Head to Heart Integration
1. www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdneZ4fIIHE “The Heart’s Intelligence: A path to person, social and global coherence”
2. www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2oxFIsENgM Joel Adams “Please Don’t Go”. Song of the Heart
3. www.heartmath.org/ Hearth Maths Institute and Research Centre.
4. www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs15mQHNYPQ All Life is Interconnected – Ashok Gangadean
5. www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRnXUg7YCPM Supporting Emotional Well-Being – Foster Gamble
6. www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyqBnd3Xwck Double Torus Dynamic – Nassim Haramein
7. www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILwPlkJtjoc How to live from the Heart? – Teal Swan
8. www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8dKcvROnl4&index=3&list=PLdaly64-
_3On7Mv7lr96kPDEmc_5yr1vg Gregg Braden – Institute of HeartMath
9. www.relaxationcentreqld.org/presenters/bill-lee-emery/ Bill Lee-Emery is a Master mBIT (multiple Brain Integration Technique) Trainer
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